Statement of Purpose & Position
The Purpose of the Albuquerque Institute of Biblical Law is to educate in Biblical Law and how God's Law relates to various aspects of His truth.
The first five books of the Bible, also known as the Torah, establishes the authoritative foundation of God’s truth.
God reveals Himself through His Law and Word.
For God to be a reliable source of truth, He cannot change, and His Law cannot change.
The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are in perfect harmony in truth and law.
The goal of God’s truth and law is to bring life to man in mortality and eternal life to man in the world to come.
All teaching requires testing through individual study and confirmation of truth through the Holy Spirit.
True teachings bring a peace of mind/sense of contentment, an expansion of knowledge, greater understanding, and a strengthening of belief. False teachings bring confusion/sense of unsettleness, a stifling of knowledge, a lessening of understanding and a weakening of belief.