America's Endtime Covenant People Speak Hebrew
One of the notable features of Isaiah's Endtime prophecy of America is that God's covenant people speak Hebrew. Isaiah predicts, " In that day five Hebrew-speaking cities in the land of Egypt [America] will swear loyalty to Jehovah of Hosts." (Isaiah 19:18, IIT)
But this will not be the first time Hebrew was to be spoken in America, Hebrew was proposed as America's official language in colonial America. "Marquis de Chastellux, a companion to George Washington, recorded that Americans “have seriously proposed to introduce a new language; and some, for the public convenience, would have the Hebrew substituted to the English, taught in the schools, and used in all public acts.” (
Because Hebrew is such an important aspect of God's Endtime restoration, the Albuquerque Institute of Biblical Law will update and expand its section on Hebrew Learning and facilitate a program of self-study. Consider the following:
For those who live in Albuquerque, check out Adat Yeshua's program in Biblical Hebrew - Start Here.
But this will not be the first time Hebrew was to be spoken in America, Hebrew was proposed as America's official language in colonial America. "Marquis de Chastellux, a companion to George Washington, recorded that Americans “have seriously proposed to introduce a new language; and some, for the public convenience, would have the Hebrew substituted to the English, taught in the schools, and used in all public acts.” (
Because Hebrew is such an important aspect of God's Endtime restoration, the Albuquerque Institute of Biblical Law will update and expand its section on Hebrew Learning and facilitate a program of self-study. Consider the following:
For those who live in Albuquerque, check out Adat Yeshua's program in Biblical Hebrew - Start Here.