God's Social Systems

Free market capitalism is a “fair weather” economic system. It works well when demographics are favorable, when debt levels are low or at least manageable, and when capital is ‘home rooted’; that is, when families’ savings aren’t being lent to create low-paying jobs in other countries. The success of modern democratic capitalism during the 1950s through the 1970s was a temporary phenomenon resulting from an unusual convergence of favorable events. These favorable factors—and the prosperity that resulted from them—aren’t coming back, and the system’s strong bias toward the wealthy is becoming more and more obvious. Today global capitalism is on the road to failure . . . at least for the 80% or more of the world’s population that is poor in wealth and real estate. The ‘invisible hand’ of the free market is in the process of devouring them by providing even fewer and lower paying jobs! The ‘free market’ doesn’t care about either fairness or standards of living; it cares only about efficiency and the lowest possible cost. Hence the middle class in developed countries is quietly slipping into the lower class while the lower class is quietly slipping into desperation. The rest of the world’s poor never really stood a chance under capitalism anyway. Oddly enough, solutions to the many failures of the modern global economy were offered over 3,500 years ago in God’s Law, but man has always been too stubborn to accept them. After the American Experiment has run its course and ended in failure—and the entire global system is groaning for deliverance—a new administration will be set up on earth to rule in justice and wisdom using these very laws! And this government will rule from a magnificent new Temple much like the one portrayed on the cover of this book. The principles and laws of that system are presented within.