Endtime America, Mark of the Beast and Zion

I am briefly going to introduce this topic and expand it in a later article. The reason I’m going to introduce this subject now is because our Christian brothers and sisters are struggling to see the importance of the law in our lives and in Endtime events.
Isaiah's prophesy is that one of the Endtime tests for God’s Believers is to not take the Mark of the Beast. There is a lot of speculation of what the Mark of the Beast is. Essentially, the Mark of the Beast is a man-made legal system.
We see a pattern in the scriptures that gives us a clue to what the Mark of the Beast is.
The Sh’ma is a staple in Jewish worship – Israel was to bind the commandments/law to their hands and place it between their eyes - Deu. 6:8. We also see this same kind of concept introduced with the Mark of the Beast – this Mark is to be placed in the hand and forehead – Rev. 13:16. Indeed, those who accept the Mark of the Beast will bind the man-made law of the Beast to their hand and in their minds (in forehead, between eyes). Those who bind themselves to the law of the Beast will reap the judgements of God.
In contrast, the five covenant communities in America also known spiritually as Zion – God’s Pure In Heart - will receive the blessings and protections that God promises in His law- Deu chapter 27,28.
Isaiah says it this way,
Isaiah's prophesy is that one of the Endtime tests for God’s Believers is to not take the Mark of the Beast. There is a lot of speculation of what the Mark of the Beast is. Essentially, the Mark of the Beast is a man-made legal system.
We see a pattern in the scriptures that gives us a clue to what the Mark of the Beast is.
The Sh’ma is a staple in Jewish worship – Israel was to bind the commandments/law to their hands and place it between their eyes - Deu. 6:8. We also see this same kind of concept introduced with the Mark of the Beast – this Mark is to be placed in the hand and forehead – Rev. 13:16. Indeed, those who accept the Mark of the Beast will bind the man-made law of the Beast to their hand and in their minds (in forehead, between eyes). Those who bind themselves to the law of the Beast will reap the judgements of God.
In contrast, the five covenant communities in America also known spiritually as Zion – God’s Pure In Heart - will receive the blessings and protections that God promises in His law- Deu chapter 27,28.
Isaiah says it this way,