Passover - Renewing a Promise, a Covenant and a Relationship
We now enter into the annual cycle of G0d's appointed times or Moedim - Lev. 23. These feasts commemorate a developing relationship with God as His covenant people. The first of these is Passover where the father of the home places the name of God on or over his front door instead of sacrificing a male lamb and applying the lamb's blood on the door frame of the house. When God raised up Moses to deliver the children of Israel from bondage, God was honoring the unconditional promise that He had made with Abraham. In so doing, God instituted a series of covenants, which fall under a body of law that we will call the Sinai law or code. This body of law establishes a relationship with Abraham's posterity as God's covenant people, which is also available to anyone who desires and commits to living the covenant law. The first of these covenants begin with Passover. For more follow the links below:
The Threshold Covenant
Fathers as Kings in the House of Israel
The Threshold Covenant
Fathers as Kings in the House of Israel
Messianic Haggadah