The Spiritual Categories of Humanity
God employs various terms in the Bible to categorize the spiritual levels of humanity. What emerges are three levels of righteousness, a transitional level and four levels of wickedness. Most of humanity come into mortality on a neutral level where they must make a choice between embracing good or evil. The level where this choice occurs is on the Believers In God level.
Categories of Wickedness
Categories of Righteousness
joint-heirs with messiah
Those who achieve the Joint Heir level of righteousness take individual covenant keeping with God to the highest level for mortal men. Referred to in the Book of Isaiah as Seraph and Seraphim, married men do the “work of the Father” by gathering the Elect, restoring the House of Israel, entering into the presence of God and the Enochic Covenant. Suffering extreme hardship, they prove their loyalty to God under the most trying conditions and obtain godly power.
The elect of God
Identified in the Book of Isaiah as God's Sons and Servants, the Elect take covenant keeping with God to the next level as married men who obtain God’s Word, pass tests and trials of loyalty to God and achieve a level of perfection by overcoming personal weaknesses. As God's local leaders, they establish the laws of God, judge righteously, execute righteous judgement, and suffer for the communities sins. Serving as "Savior-Kings" under the terms of the Davidic Covenant they establish and administer covenant communities.
The pure in heart
Identified by the terms of Zion and Jerusalem in the book of Isaiah, these are God's covenant people who fulfill His law by living a pure life - having a pure heart. As God's covenant people, they commit to live God's first five covenants:
believers in god
Between the path to God and life and the path to Satan and death are the Believers in the God of Israel who are preoccupied with worldly endeavors and who are spiritually blind. Using the terms of Jacob and Israel, Isaiah identifies this level for those who must choose between light and darkness and life or death. Pouring their time and money into materialism and worldly pursuits that cannot save (God and His law), they worship the idols of Babylon. They “love” the accouterments of Babylon more than they love God. Neglecting the poor, not learning and teaching their families about God and His ways, they are drawn away from God by the trappings of Babylon.
The Believers level is not a permanent category – the trials, tests and tribulations of the End-times will force this category of God’s people into making a choice. They will either ascend to God and life or to Satan and death. Because the earth will enter into a paradisaical status where the righteous live, those who descend will be eliminated.
Having chosen God and life, Believers begin by trusting in God, returning to His law and are baptized - see The Doctrine of Christ/Messiah
The Believers level is not a permanent category – the trials, tests and tribulations of the End-times will force this category of God’s people into making a choice. They will either ascend to God and life or to Satan and death. Because the earth will enter into a paradisaical status where the righteous live, those who descend will be eliminated.
Having chosen God and life, Believers begin by trusting in God, returning to His law and are baptized - see The Doctrine of Christ/Messiah
Those who descend to Babylon have knowingly rejected God’s laws of life. They succumb to the desires of the flesh or the natural man, are those who “do right in their own sight” and embrace humanistic philosophies. Those who reject the law of God are left only with embracing the law of men, which will not sustain life. Babylon eventually violates every godly law that devolves Babylon into a state of chaos. God does not destroy Babylon, Babylon self-destructs and is taken over by foreign powers and enemies. Babylon violates God’s economic laws, marriage and family laws, criminal laws, tortious law, agricultural laws, dietary laws, social welfare laws, property laws, education laws, military laws, etc. The traditional family disintegrates. All types of social maladies plague society – divorce, single parent families, identity crisis, psychological problems and mental illness. Crime increases. Disease and illness increases. Poverty increases. Etc. Babylon is a culture committing suicide.
These in the end accept Yeshua/Jesus as their Savior and The Messianic Covenant.
These in the end accept Yeshua/Jesus as their Savior and The Messianic Covenant.
On the way to death, next comes the spiritual category of Sodom/Gomorrah. Of all the sins committed in Sodom/Gomorrah, the gross sexual perversions – adultery, incest, homosexuality, bestiality – ranked at the top. The capital laws given to Israel are a guide for the reasons why these cities where destroyed. Because of the wickedness of Sodom/Gomorrah, God Himself executed a judgment of death and destroy these cities. The scriptures indicate that there was not one righteous person in Sodom/Gomorrah – they all were engaging in these gross sins.
"Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to FORNICATION [Greek, "to be utterly, exceedingly unchaste" -- totally immoral, and acting the harlot, including adultery and incest], and going after STRANGE FLESH [Greek, "other" flesh, ie., homosexuality, and bestiality!], are set forth for an EXAMPLE, SUFFERING THE VENGEANCE OF ETERNAL FIRE" (Jude 1:7).
These in the end accept Yeshua/Jesus as their Savior and The Messianic Covenant.
"Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to FORNICATION [Greek, "to be utterly, exceedingly unchaste" -- totally immoral, and acting the harlot, including adultery and incest], and going after STRANGE FLESH [Greek, "other" flesh, ie., homosexuality, and bestiality!], are set forth for an EXAMPLE, SUFFERING THE VENGEANCE OF ETERNAL FIRE" (Jude 1:7).
These in the end accept Yeshua/Jesus as their Savior and The Messianic Covenant.
Though Mahan is not a biblical term, in antiquity, it was a term used for those who murdered for gain/property and here represents that category of people who kill and murder, and for which the atonement is not available. They must suffer for there own sin.
However, these don't reach Perdition because they acknowledge God in the end and accept the mission of Yeshua - The Messianic Covenant.
However, these don't reach Perdition because they acknowledge God in the end and accept the mission of Yeshua - The Messianic Covenant.
Perdition has no redeeming quality. These have put themselves above God and Christ. They reject the atonement and resurrection. They reside in darkness for eternity as a spirit with no physical body. They suffer eternal spiritual and physical death. The mark placed on Cain was not a physical mark – it was a mark that indicated Cain was damned to no redemption in the world to come. Cain had talked with God – had a personal relationship with him and rejected Him and His law by murdering Able. Judas had been with the Messiah had witness his power and righteousness, but still had sold him out – trading his life for money – the savior of mankind – essentially rejecting him as the Messiah.