Torah Friendly Teaching
Torah Friendly Teaching
![]() Thoughts on Davidic Kingship. This week we’ll continue with Part IV in our review of receiving a Fullness of Knowledge and look at the Seven Stages of Creation/Re-creation. The New Testament is clear that the objection of our existence is to be transformed into the image/likeness/stature of the Son/Messiah. Some believe that just by accepting Yeshua/Jesus as the Savior of Humanity that somehow they will magically reach that blessed state of being like the Messiah. But the scriptures set out a series of creations or re-creations to become like God. And as we will see, there are seven of these. The prospect of becoming holy or even divine may surprise or shock some, but when we drill down into the scriptures that is the end message - if we desire it. The Process of Perfection Our Process of Perfection looks like this: Individual Salvation Born Again (Redemption / Sanctification) Born of the Blood / Born of the Water > Keeps the Commandments > Born of God/Spirit Married Exaltation Going Onto Perfection Becoming Perfect > Reaches the Full Stature of Messiah > Sees God the Son Creation and Re-creation When we look at the Bible, we see a progression of creations and re-creations to be like God. In the Garden, we see Adam and Eve come into existence. Then, because of their desire to be like God, they partake of the fruit of the tree of knowledge and are cast out of the Garden to gain experience with good and evil. Later, in the New Testament, we see Yeshua telling Nicodemus to be Born Again. We see Paul admonish the Hebrews to go beyond the elementary principles of milk - Heb 5 - and when they become of full age to Go Onto Perfection - Heb 6 - reaching the full stature of the Messiah. So, we can see this series of stages of being created or re-created to become like God. Commenting on this process of being created and re-created set out in the Book of Isaiah, Dr. Gileadi wrote, "Isaiah characterizes the cyclical rebirth of persons who ascend to higher spiritual levels as God’s “creating” or “forming” them each time they ascend. His definition of God’s creation, in other words, is that of re-creation. Even God’s creation of the heavens and the earth are a re-ordering of existing materials: “Who measured out the waters with the hollow of his hand and gauged the heavens by the span of his fingers? Who compiled the earth’s dust by measure, weighing mountains in scales, hills in a balance?” (Isaiah 40:12). People who descend, on the other hand, like those in Isaiah’s Babylon and Perdition categories, are de-created and suffer ruin." "We observe Isaiah’s ascending order of spiritual levels when God “creates” and “forms” Jacob/Israel “to be my servant” (Isaiah 43:21; 44:21); Zion/Jerusalem “to be a delight and its people a joy” (Isaiah 65:18); God’s sons and daughters—“all who are called by my name, whom I have created, molded, and wrought for my own glory” (Isaiah 43:7); the hosts of heaven, a celestial category of persons whom he calls forth, each one by name (Isaiah 40:26); and God’s end-time servant, whom he “creates” as a “light to the nations, a “covenant of the people,” to “free the captives,” to “restore the Land,” and to “reapportion the desolate estates” (Isaiah 42:6–7; 49:8)." Seven Stages of Creation or Re-creation When we look at the Bible, seven stages of creation or re-creation emerge.
A New Creation of Spirit A New Creation of Physical When Yeshua uses the expression of being Born Again - being born of the water and of the spirit - He is referring indirectly to our first births - the births or creation of our spirit and the creation of our material body. We also see this duality eluded to in the creation of Adam and Eve at Genesis 2:7 - Then the LORD God formed man of dust from the ground, (Physical) and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; (Spirit) and man became a living being. (Physical and Spirit) We also see this duality at Ecc 12:7 - then the dust will return to the earth as it was, (Physical) and the spirit will return to God who gave it. (Spirit) So our first two stages of being created is the Creation of our Spirits and the Creations of our Physical Bodies.
A New Creation of Mortality - Knowing Good and Evil Because we are the progeny of Adam and Eve, our potentiality is the same as theirs. We saw that Adam and Eve were created with a spirit and a material body. Later, when they partook of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, they were thrust out of the Garden of Eden and fell from immortality to a mortal existence to experience good and evil, which is where we are all presently! So our third stage of creation is to have a mortal existence knowing good and evil.
A New Creation of Immortality Without the redemption of Yeshua - redeeming all mankind from the Fall of Adam and Eve (Universal Sin) - man would not could not live again after their material bodies die. Those who accept Yeshua as the Redeemer of all mankind and commit to living God’s basic law of honesty and integrity will partake in Yeshua’s atonement and resurrection - receiving an immortal body never again to die (Messianic Covenant). These will receive the influence of the Holy Spirit.
A New Creation of the Holy Spirit (Born Again) Those who continue to follow the Messiah change their lives, are Born Again and sanctify their lives by overcoming Personal Sin. They are Born of the Water (baptism), and receive and live to the best of their ability a fullness of God’s covenants - (Abrahamic/Threshold/Priesthood/Sinai) - received through the Spirit. Passing a trial of faith, their covenants are sealed by the Spirit with Heaven. These receive the presence of the Son.
A New Creation of the Son (Going Onto Perfection) Those who reach the Full Stature of the Messiah perfect their lives, overcome "inherited" sin, receive a fullness of knowledge, develop the attributes of the Messiah and enter into the Davidic Covenant. These living a higher law as perfect men (and women) function as proxy-deliverers. Passing a trial of faith, they see God the Son and have their Calling and Election Made Sure. These receive the presence of the Father. Those who reach this level of righteous and prove their loyalty unto death are Joint Heirs with the Messiah. These receive God's power to fulfill His purposes and have the power to seal their actions with Heaven.
A New Creation of the Father At the top of those who have lived on this world, we see - Yeshua/Jehovah - the God and Savior of this world - who is the Son of Father God. God the Father empowers His Son to execute the actions necessary to redeem, sanctify and exalt Humanity. Receiving the power of the resurrection, those who accept Him as the Redeemer of all mankind partake in this resurrection.
The Theme of Threes We can also associate these creations or re-creations with our Theme of Threes.
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