Torah Friendly Teaching
Torah Friendly Teaching
![]() Thoughts on Davidic Kingship. Last week we looked at Perfection. This week the topic is Married Exaltation. After God created Adam and Eve, He commanded Adam and Eve to become one or in other words God married them. As one of the first actions that God required of the Earth's first inhabitants, the creation story reveals important information on what God expects of Humanity. What God is revealing to Humanity is that He expects us to marry and to have families. And for those who Go Onto Perfection to be like God, marriage becomes an everlasting commitment. The Process of Perfection Our Process of Perfection looks like this: Individual Salvation Born Again (Redemption / Sanctification) Born of the Blood / Born of the Water > Keeps the Commandments > Born of God/Spirit Married Exaltation Going Onto Perfection Becoming Perfect > Reaches the Full Stature of Messiah > Sees God the Son The Nature of God is Male and Female Religionists have gone to great lengths to divorce Humanity from Divinity. First ,they narrowly define God; Second, they have ignored the plainness of the Word; and Third, they have implemented practices that are anti-marriage and therefore are anti-Torah and anti-God. The concept of God is traditionally defined as a single omnipotent male identity. But when we consider the creation story, God created Adam and Eve in His image and likeness, we have to place on the table of possibilities that “God “ could also include a male identity and a female identity. We see the concept in the Bible that a man is incomplete without a woman - they together constitute a oneness - a single unique persona. So that becoming like God could include both a male and a separate female identity bound together in the unity of marriage. Religionists also engage in intellectual acrobatics and theological semantics to explain away biblical statements that bridge the gap between Humanity and Divinity - they don’t accept the plainness of the Word. When the bible says that Melchizedek was made like the Son of God, that is exactly what happened. When God made Adam and Eve in His image and likeness, that is exactly what happened. In Judaism, there are four levels of biblical interpretation. The first level of interpretation is the Pashat level, which is the plain and simple meaning. We also in practice see religions interpret the concept of godliness to not include marriage . The Church of Rome’s priests and nuns don’t marry. Their interpretation of godliness does not include matrimony. In contrast, the Torah required that the priests of ancient Israel be married. The biblical concept of priesthood and hence godliness is intimately connected to marriage. And thus, when Yeshua restored the Melchizedek priesthood and returned the priesthood to all men, marriage is likewise required. Indeed, the concept of godliness includes matrimony. Adam and Eve in the Garden From the Beginning, God wanted man and woman to become like Him. This is the overall message and theme of the Bible. After God created Adam and Eve, He gave them three primary commands on this path to become like Him - to become one (marriage), to create order and to procreate. Moreover, God placed Adam and Eve in the Garden as spiritual “children” - who were without knowledge and experience. This concept is indicated when Adam and Eve did not have a knowledge of good and evil and hence were not like God who did know good and evil - Gen. 3:5,22. But God opened the way for them to know good and evil by placing the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the Garden and then by giving them a choice. Knowing good and evil by necessity required that Adam and Eve experience a mortal existence with sin and death. If Adam and Eve had chosen not to partake of the tree, they would have forever be damned of the knowledge and experiences to be like God. "Then the Lord God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil;" Genesis 3:22 God would further provide a Redeemer - Gen. 3:15, and additional knowledge and opportunities so they could return to God’s presence but as spiritually matured Beings. So in summary, four key concepts are revealed in the Garden story about what God expects for us to become like Him - To Marry To Create Order To Create Life And To Receive a Knowledge of Good and Evil. Indeed, as offspring of Adam and Eve , we inherited the same potentiality of Adam and Eve - we ourselves are Adams and Eves. The Pattern of Descent then Ascent By necessity Adam and Eve would need to descend into sin and death to know good and evil in order to be raise to be like God. This is the pattern of descent and then ascent set out in the Book of Isaiah. Dr. Gileadi, “When God banished Adam and Eve from Paradise, thus they experienced “ruin”, “disinheritance”, “punishment”, “suffering”, and “humiliation” as part of their descent phase. Their “latter-end” - their “rebirth”, “inheritance”, “deliverance”, “salvation” and “exaltation” on a higher level - would be greater than their beginning.” (Isaiah Decoded, p.211) Yeshua as the Perfect Example of Living Torah As the perfect example of living the Torah and the Law, Yeshua would have modeled the concept of being an ideal husband and father. He would have married, created order, had posterity and taught the Law, which not only defines good and evil but sets out the rules for creating order. Unfortunately, procurers of the New Testament have “sanitized” the New Testament to conceal the fact that Yeshua was married - to create that separation between Humanity and Divinity. Nonetheless, remnants of Yeshua’s domestic life are evident. The marriage at Canaan as Yeshua’s marriage and that Yeshua appeared first to Mary Magdalena after His resurrection would indicate that Mary was His wife. Married Exaltation We have already introduced the concept of Married Exaltation, which we considered as an everlasting commitment between a perfected man and a perfected woman. Besides creating order and life, these Go Onto Perfection to overcome sin, have a full knowledge of salvation and exaltation and develop the attributes of Jehovah/Yeshua.
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