Torah Friendly Teaching
Torah Friendly Teaching
![]() Thoughts on Davidic Kingship. This week we’ll wrap up this section on Reaching the Full Stature of the Messiah and review Proxy Salvation. Integral to the Higher Law of the Father is the concept of Proxy Salvation. Succinctly stated, Proxy Salvation is when “perfected men who through their righteousness obtain God’s favor thereby securing God’s blessings and protection for others”. This may mean that these perfected men may also suffer in order to obtain favor from God. The Process of Perfection Our Process of Perfection looks like this: Individual Salvation Born Again (Redemption / Sanctification) Born of the Blood / Born of the Water > Keeps the Commandments > Born of God/Spirit Married Exaltation Going Onto Perfection Becoming Perfect > Reaches the Full Stature of Messiah > Sees God the Son Proxy Salvation Introduction The concept of Proxy Salvation is central to God’s plan to save men and women from suffering or dying as a result of sin. Essentially, a proxy is defined as “the authority to represent someone else” and in a biblical context salvation refers to the concept of being “saved or spared from death or suffering because our actions merit death or suffering”. Hence, proxy salvation is the action to suffer or die for someone else's sins and thus sparing them from suffering or dying as a consequence of their sins. In the bible, we see that the concept of perfection or being without blemish qualify as a suitable proxy for the sins of others that merit death or suffering. In our review here, we’ll consider proxy salvation in the context of our three general categories of sin. 1. Universal Sin or the sin committed by Adam and Eve. 2. Personal Sin or the sin that each commit because of our actions and for which we bear the sole responsibility of the consequences. 3. Inherited Sin or the dysfunctions of inherited sin - iniquity - past down from progenitors or perpetrators. Yeshua and Universal Sin When Adam and Eve transgressed and brought spiritual and physical death into the world, we as their posterity inherited the result of their sin - to die and never live again. We can refer to Adam and Eve’s sin as Universal Sin because all of us are subject to the consequences of Adam and Eve’s actions. As an act of God’s grace, Jehovah/Yeshua agreed as a perfected-sinless proxy to suffer and die for us and through the power of the atonement and resurrection for Adam and Eve’s transgression, Yeshua saved us from the consequences of their actions allowing us all to live again. When we accept Yeshua as our Savior and agree to live His seven basic laws (Noahide), we qualify for His Redemption from Universal Sin. "For as in Adam all die, even so in Messiah all shall be made alive" 1 Corinthians 15:22 Personal Sin and Being Fully Born Again When we are fully Born Again under the Law of the Son and have been transformed by the Spirit, we then have overcome personal sin. In other words, our hearts and actions have become pure and clean, and we are no longer in need of a proxy savior for personal sins - we have reached a state of sanctification. The basic premise of the Gospel is that through God’s power He can transform us from our fallen and carnal state into what He is. In the Book of Isaiah, those who reach being fully Born Again Isaiah calls Zion/Jerusalem. This category of Believers pass into the Millennium prepared to receive the presence of God the Son. Personal Sin and Not Fully Born Again Those who are not fully Born Again under the Law of the Son and have not overcome personal sin are still in need of the power of Yeshua’s Atonement to receive forgiveness and be reconciled with God for personal sins on conditions of repentance - Isaiah calls this category of Believers - Jacob/Israel. In an Endtime context, those of Jacob/Israel who choose to repent and remain faithful during the tribulations, a Baptism of Fire, reach the Zion/Jerusalem category of Believers and pass into the Millennium. Moreover, when Jacob/Israel is faced with a mortal threat, a pattern we see in the bible, God requires a human proxy deliverer (savior). We see this pattern with Noah and his family, Abraham and Lot, Moses and Israel, and King Hezekiah at the siege of Jerusalem - see Biblical Precedents of Proxy Protection, The Last Days, Gileadi, pg. 190. As a model of proxy protection, Dr. Gileadi writes, "At Assyria’s siege of Jerusalem, Hezekiah and Isaiah appeal to Jehovah to deliver the people who have taken refuge there (2 Kings 19:1–4, 15–19; 2 Chronicles 32:20). Isaiah’s version of these events in Part II of his Seven-Part Structure (Isaiah 6–8; 36–40) focuses on Hezekiah’s loyal response to Jehovah under the terms of the Davidic Covenant, causing Jehovah to deliver him and his people from the Assyrians (Isaiah 37:30–36). By linking Hezekiah’s suffering of a mortal illness to Jehovah’s promise of his people’s deliverance (Isaiah 38:2–6), Isaiah emphasizes Hezekiah’s spiritual role as a proxy savior of his people rather than his political role." (King Hezekiah’s Response to an Assyria Threat, Gileadi, We will also see proxy protection operative in an Endtime context when the tribulations and judgements are poured out on the earth. Dr. Gileadi further writes, "In the pattern of King Hezekiah, end-time persons who ascend to the son/servant level similarly function as proxy saviors of those to whom they minister under the terms of the Davidic Covenant." - (5. Son/Servants - God Elect or Holy Ones,
Proxy Salvation and God’s Sons/Daughters/Elect Those who perfect their lives who overcome all categories of sin and reach the full stature of the Messiah are qualified to function as proxy deliverers pattern after the Messiah. Dr. Gileadi explains, “In Isaiah’s Endtime scenario, God’s sons/servants assume this “deliverer” role in seeking God’s protection of those in mortal danger. They do this whenever they minister, at home or abroad. While they follow the example of God’s [endtime] servant, the servant follows the example of God himself. Isaiah defines the deliverer’s role when describing God’s servant: “Because of his knowledge, and by bearing their iniquities, my servant, the righteous one, will justify many.” (Isaiah 53:11) - (Isaiah Decoded, Gileadi, pg. 186)
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