![]() Thoughts on Torah for Last Week. See our page on Spiritual Coaching. Deuteronomy 32-34 We are going to wrap-up the Torah portions in this review. Last week we covered the Endtime Gentile Apostasy. The prophet Isaiah predicts future events from Israel past history, but in the Endtimes it is the Gentiles that break God’s covenant. It is the Gentiles that suffer God’s judgment. It is the House of Israel that God makes His covenant people. It is the House of Israel that receives God’s Millennial promised Land. In this review, we’ll layout the process to be united with Israel at its endtime restoration. In this review, we can arrange an event sequence with the last four chapters of Deuteronomy. That sequence looks like this: Chapter 31 Israel’s Apostasy Chapter 32 God’s Judgments to Israel Chapter 33 God foretells of Israel Endtime Restoration. v 28,29 Chapter 34 Israel sees the Promised land. Embracing the Torah By and large Christianity has failed to convert Jews to Jesus. The reason for this is that the Jews are so tied to the Torah that any proselyting to Israel must include the Law. And because Christians don't see the Torah as being relevant, Jews have generally ignored the message of Yeshua/Jesus. The message of Yeshua and the Torah will and must be synthesized into an Endtime Hebrew Gospel. Yeshua Torah v v Hebrew Gospel Moreover, if we Gentiles want to be united with Israel, especially at the end of time when God turns back to the House of Israel as His covenant people, the Gentiles must embrace the Torah and the Law. This is our first leg in the endtime process to be united with Israel. Embrace Torah as still being relevant Endtime Servant David Most Believers interpret the Davidic Servant in Isaiah as the returning Messiah Yeshua, but this view breaks with biblical precedents. In both instances with ancient Israel and the advent of Yeshua Messiah, God prepared the people to receive Him with a forerunner. Moses prepared Israel to receive Jehovah and John the Baptist prepared the people for Yeshua. This concept is know as the spirit and power of Elias. In explaining this concept, Dr. Gileadi wrote, "An angel informed Zacharias, father of John the Baptist, that John would "turn many of the people of Israel to the Lord their God. And he shall go before Him in the spirit and power of Elias, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, to make ready a people prepared for the Lord" Luke 1:16-17. Although John wasn't himself the Elias (Hebrew Elijah), he came "in the spirit and power of Elias - as a forerunner of Jesus' coming - thereby meriting the title of Elias. That title appears to denote a particular role rather than a person. What Elijah and John the Baptist had in common was that each restored the pure worship of God among a people that had gone astray. That being so, who is the Elias that is to "come and restore all things [at the end of time]"?" Let's view this short video on Peter's teaching in Acts 3 of this Endtime Elias who will restore all things. Notice here how Peter explains that Yeshua will return, but he teaches that a prophet like Moses would come before Yeshua and restore all things before Yeshua's return. This becomes our second leg of being united with Israel - is accepting this Endtime David, who will not only preach repenting and returning to the Law as lived by the Messiah, but with have Godly power. Accept God's Endtime Davidic Servant as the Endtime "Elias" The Millennial Messiah The mission of God’s Endtime Servant is to gather those who are loyal to Him and His law and then to raise their spirituality to the point where they can dwell in the presence of divinity - in addition to the Endtimes trials to that will prove their loyalties. Commenting on this Dr. Gileadi also said, "Jehovah’s coming, however, won’t happen by chance or because God is bound by a timetable. What occasions that event—and what qualifies people to inherit Paradise—is their ascent to the spiritual levels of Zion/Jerusalem and beyond and their physical preparation in gathering from exile to receive their God. Until his people attain Paradise as a covenant blessing—a blessing stemming from their keeping the law of his covenant—Jehovah cannot come. While those who imagine otherwise will be disappointed, those who use the trials that precede Jehovah’s coming as a means of purifying and sanctifying their lives may qualify for that glorious age." So in summary, this is what our process looks like to be united with Endtime Israel. Embrace the Torah V Accept the Endtime "David" as the Endtime Elias V Receive the Returning Millennial Messiah
Isaiah Chapter 52 Jehovah’s Endtime servant and Zion’s watchmen accomplish Zion’s restoration beginning with a new exodus. Next Torah Cycle
In the next Torah cycle, we'll look at the New Testament through the Len of the Torah
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