![]() This week we wrap-up our review of the Book of Mormon and begin a new journey. But before we start our new journey let’s review what we know about the Book of Mormon. Then we’ll compare what the Book of Mormon says about its founder and a latter-day church. Finally, we’ll look at three witnesses and introduce our next course of study. ![]() This week in our review of the Book of Mormon we’ll look at Moroni’s puzzling statement about the law of circumcision being done away that we see at Moroni 8:8. This statement seemingly proves that not only is circumcision no longer required in the Gospel, but in a bigger way, some many see that this may prove that the Law is also no longer required. Essentially, Moroni is setting up a paradox. This week we’ll unravel this paradox as we look at the Abrahamic Covenant, Redemption and Sanctification, and Paul’s teachings to the Galatians. ![]() This week in the Book of Mormon we’ll review Moroni’s final message. The primary theme that we see included in nearly every chapter of Moroni’s book is the Spirit/Light of Christ and the Holy Ghost/Spirit. We’ll review the concepts and functions of these two spirits to see why they are so important - especially to those who are to have their callings and elections made sure. ![]() This week in the Book of Mormon we’ll look at chapters 5 through 15 of Ether. What we see in these eleven chapters is Moroni setting the complete destruction of the Jaredites in a latter-day context. We know that because Moroni testifies of it in chapter 5 verse 4. Central to this destruction of America are secret groups that lust for power and money. This week will look at the sequence of events that led up to a complete destruction of the people. ![]() This week in the Book of Mormon we’ll expand our review of chapter 4 of Ether and unpack the doctrine of sanctification. In the Bible, sanctification is used as a verb, a noun and as an adjective. Each of these uses can mean something different. Moreover, sanctification has a progressive aspect that we will also consider. ![]() This week in the Book of Mormon we’ll look at Ether 1-4. What we see here in these four chapters is the Brother of Jared and his people flee the tower of Babel to be saved from the confounding of the language. Being highly favored of the Lord, he receives guidance to take his people to a land of promise – America. The Brother of Jared, during his preparations to flee across the waters, sees Yehovah. Yehovah shows him all things, which the Brother of Jared records. What we see here is the Brother of Jared having his calling and election made sure by seeing Yehovah in the flesh and now has standing to rend the veil and call upon the Father. When we get to chapter 4, Moroni appears to be setting out a process that we too can see what the Brother of Jared saw. ![]() This week in the Book of Mormon we’ll look at the writings of Mormon and whose son Moroni witnesses the complete annihilation of his people – the Nephites. Last week we saw how Zion/True Church collapsed because of the pursuit and lust of worldly wealth. What we get from Mormon is a progression of an Endtime apostasy that now includes every version of organized religion that all churches are polluted – chapter 8. Isaiah takes this Endtime apostasy further when he states that all churches are teaching corrupted doctrine – Isaiah chapter 28. But Mormon indicates that a remnant will be spared at the Endtimes – chapter 7. Finally, we'll add what we see here to the Book of Mormon's Endtime prophecy. ![]() This week in the Book of Mormon we’ll look at the only chapter in 4 Nephi - since this is the only chapter in 4 Nephi it deserves our attention. What we see here in 4 Nephi is the formation of a Zion society after Yeshua’s visit. Even though we don’t see it referred to as Zion, all of the primary aspects of Zion are present. Further into the chapter, we see the people corrupt themselves, which results into a slide into apostasy and the lust for wealth. Moreover, we can also see elements of an Endtime scenario here in chapter one. So we’ll review the primary aspects of what Zion looks like here and the sequence of events that takes this Zion into wickedness. ![]() This week in our review of the Book of Mormon we’ll wrap-up our look at 3 Nephi with chapters 28 to 30. We saw last week that Yeshua defined His Church through the processes and doctrines of redemption and sanctification. As a perfect complement now in chapter 28, we see Yeshua introduce us to exaltation or those who will enter the realm or kingdom of the Father – v. 8,10. Though we won’t see exaltation commonly reached until the Endtime Servant arrives, this doesn’t mean that individually we can’t receive this knowledge now. Consider this - |
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