![]() This week in our review of Isaiah Decoded we’ll wrap-up our look Chapter 3 - Babylon, Rebels and Worshippers of Idols. In our final look at Babylon, we’ll discuss the bigger picture of what happens to the wicked who descend into death and hell. The topics that we will consider here are the Day of Yehovah, Hell, the Final Judgment, the Resurrection and Eternity. Overview When we look at Isaiah’s Ladder to Heaven, we see two primary themes. We see those who ascend to God who receive life and peace; and, then we see those who descend to Satan who experience death, punishment, and judgement. At the end of the world, Isaiah’s category Jacob/Israel – Believers in the God of Israel - are forced to either ascend or descend.
The wicked who descend into death and hell experience the first round of judgements during the end of the world when God destroys everything that is impure, and what the scriptures call the Day of Yehovah or the Day of the Lord. This Endtime destruction is to prepare this world for the return of Israel’s god – Yehovah-Yeshua. The Day of Yehovah What we see during the final events of the world is the salvation of the righteous and the destruction of the wicked. Dr. Gileadi summaries these final events – “Whether they lived before or after Israel’s exile from the Promised Land, the Hebrew prophets predict a great future “Day of Jehovah” or “Day of the Lord” upon all nations (Isaiah 13:6, 9; Jeremiah 46:10; Ezekiel 30:3; Joel 2:1, 11, 31; Amos 5:18, 20; Obadiah 1:15; Zephaniah 1:7, 14, 18; Zechariah 14:1; Malachi 4:1, 5). This Day of Judgment upon a wicked world will come “as a violent blow from the Almighty,” “as a cruel outburst of anger and wrath to make the earth a desolation, that sinners may be annihilated from it” (Isaiah 13:6, 9). Precedents from the past—such as Assyria’s world conquest in Isaiah’s day—typify that great and dreadful end-time event.” “John’s vision of “the Lord’s day” or “Day of the Lord” (Revelation 1:10) depicts the same events. Whereas Isaiah encodes his end-time vision in the historical events of his day, John encodes it in imagery. When you match up the characters, you see that both describe the same end-time scenario. The “great whore” that “corrupts the earth with her fornications” (Revelation 19:2) is the harlot Babylon who rules as “Mistress of Kingdoms” (Isaiah 47:5–8). The woman who flees into the wilderness for three and a half years (Revelation 12:6) is the Virgin Daughter of Zion who flees destruction in an exodus out of Babylon (Isaiah 52:1, 11–12). And so forth.” - https://www.isaiahexplained.com/resources/overviews-of-the-prophecy-of-isaiah/ Essentially, what occurs at the end of the world is that God doesn’t destroy man, but that man destroys himself or in other words humanity commits suicide and self-destructs. Humanity’s demise is its own doing suffering the consequences of propagating policies, laws, and actions that won’t sustain life.
Hell Once the wicked are destroyed their consciousness, actually everyone’s consciousness, continues in a spirit realm. We see the scriptures mention this spirit realm in the Hebrew Bible, which names it as sheol. Then we see Yeshua declares to the thief next to Him on the cross that he will be with Him in paradise – Luke 23:43. Then we have Peter’s statement about a prison at 1 Peter 3:18-20. Beyond these references in the Bible, many near-death experiences have been documented attesting to the continuation of an individual’s consciousness. Another aspect of this spirit realm is the concept of Hell, which is not well defined in the Bible except that it is a place of suffering. Essentially, Hell is the place where the wicked suffer for their sins until the terms of justice are met and where all the injustices committed on the earth are resolved. These failed during mortality to follow their conscience to do what is right. In contrast, those who arrive in Paradise experience peace and rest. Some believe that those who have not had an opportunity to receive the fullness of the Gospel will receive that opportunity here.
Millennium All those in Paradise will be resurrected in the Millennium including those who accepted the fullness of the Gospel in this spirit realm and become Zion/Jerusalem. Resurrection The Apostle Paul stated at Acts 24:15 that there will be a resurrection of the just and the unjust. This includes the wicked who suffer for justice and then accepts Yeshua’s redemption – 1 Peter 3:18-20. Even though Perdition suffers for their sins, their pride rejects Yeshua’s redemption and they are unredeemable.
Final Judgment, Works, and Eternity When we get to the final judgement and are judged by our works – Rev. 20:12 – we are assigned one of the realms of eternity depending on our degree of righteousness. We see eternity divided among three realms that are expressed in the three grand keys of the Gospel – The Spirit, The Son, and The Father.
Summary So then to summarize the destiny of those who succumb to the carnal man and descend into wickedness, these perish during the Endtime judgements, suffer in Hell for their personal sins, accept Yeshua’s redemption from the sin of Adam and Eve, and are eternally assigned a realm without the presence of the Son or the Father.
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