![]() This week we continue our review of chapter 7 in Isaiah Decoded – Seraphim, God’s Angelic Messengers. God’s Sons/Daughters are now prepared for the second stage to become God’s Seraphim/Angels by engaging in doing the Father’s work or in others words they have received a specific assignment or commission of the Father. We'll also look at Abraham's ascent to be the father of God's chosen people. Review In review, those who ascend to God’s Seraphim/Angels pass through three stages of ascent – Being Perfected in the Father, Doing the Will and Work of the Father, and Being Bound with/Taken into Heaven.
Doing the Father’s Will and Work When we look at doing the Father’s Will and Work, three aspects immerge – Another Baptism of Fire, Obtaining God’s Power, and Receiving a Divine Commission
A Baptism of Fire As we saw with other ascents, each ascent required a test of faith to prove one’s loyalty to God. Seraphim/Angels standard of ascent is to be tried in all things.
Let’s review Dr. Gileadi’s statements about this test of loyalty. “The servant’s descent and ascent open the way for God to intervene and deliver his people.” – P. 221 “Their descent into “suffering” and “humiliation,” as they intercede for those less blessed than themselves, ultimately leads to their own “exaltation,” as they and their spouses ascend to see God.” – P. 221,222 “The service seraphs perform and the “suffering” they endure—in paying the price of justice on behalf of others—is proportionate to the “salvation” they secure. Moses was an outcast from Egypt, settling in the land of Midian until God called him to deliver Israel out of bondage. He suffered endless hardships and setbacks as even his own people turned against him. Elijah fled and became a fugitive after King Ahab’s wife, the Canaanite Jezebel, put all the prophets of God to death. Ravens fed him before he escaped to Sidon. Finally, he wandered to Mount Sinai until God imbued him with power and appointed him over kings. Anyone who attains seraph status may expect to experience the worst. The afflictions these prophets suffered and the ministry in which they served created a reservoir of “merit” that backed up their intercession with God. When they appealed to God for anything, he could not deny them because they had offered every sacrifice a person could make. They kept his law and word on the highest human level possible. Nor did they ask anything for themselves, their whole concern being for the welfare of God’s people. They were “beloved” of God because they did his will to the exclusion of all else. They thus received powers and privileges well beyond those of others. Their blessedness surpassed all. These seraphs were the “firstfruits” of those who ascended to heaven.” – P. 228, 229 Obtains God’s Power The result of passing this/these tests of loyalty is that God’s Seraphim/Angels receive God’s power.
Here are the statements Dr. Gilead makes in chapter 7 about Seraphim/Angels receiving His power. “Like Moses, Elijah, and Isaiah, however, those who serve on the earth on the seraph level are as “angels” of God because God imbues them with extraordinary powers.” – P. 224 “The ability to “fly” or move about at will accompanies this level of the ladder. Isaiah describes the seraphs he sees in the temple as each having six “wings.” He says, “With two they could veil their presence, with two hide their location, and with two fly about.” (Isaiah 6:2.) The “wings” of the seraphim, therefore, are in the nature of energy fields, which give them the power of teleportation—the ability to move with complete freedom—and, if they wish, to act unseen. With their voice, seraphs can shake the earth.” – P. 226 “Their ministry is marked by divine intervention and is accompanied by miracles (see Figure 95).” – P. 228 Sealing Power In connection with Seraphim’s/Angel’s power and heaven, God grants them the power to bind or seal their actions and missions with heaven – ensuring or preserving that these actions/missions come into full fruition. What we don’t see is the idea of binding relationships together - that has more to do by fulfilling the terms of individual covenants (Davidic Covenant). We see Peter receive the sealing power from Yeshua – Matt 16:18-19. “The sealing of 144,000 “servants” with the name of God on their foreheads, immediately preceding the destruction of the wicked, reflects their ascent from sons/servants to seraphs. As proxy saviors, they plead with God and labor incessantly on behalf of his people until their endtime deliverance is accomplished. They model themselves on Jehovah and his servant by offering themselves as a ransom for those to whom they minister.” “We see a type of the “sealing” of God’s servants at the Babylonian destruction of Judea. Elect individuals, who wept for the wickedness of God’s people, received the “mark” of God on their foreheads. When the Babylonians invaded the land, they “passed over” those with the mark, killing the rest—men, women, and children—beginning at the temple. (Ezekiel 9:4–7.) While that event resembles God’s endtime deliverance and destruction only in part, the type of a “mark” as protection holds true. Isaiah predicts that some who receive such a “mark” will gather God’s people from among the nations and bring them home in a pilgrimage to Jerusalem at the time Jehovah comes in glory. (Isaiah 66:18–20.) “ “John’s “angel from the east” corresponds with Isaiah’s endtime servant, who also hails from the east. This “angel” oversees the sealing of the 144,000 servants of God with the name of God on their foreheads. In Isaiah’s version of that event, the servant anoints and empowers persons who “mourn in Zion” on account of the wickedness of God’s people. That event precedes the “day of vengeance of our God,” which judgment is the prelude to the Millennium. The type of those whom the servant anoints was Aaron, whom Moses anointed and empowered as a high priest in Israel. Word links in the Book of Isaiah identify the servant as the “angel” of God’s “presence.” (Isaiah 61:1–3, 6; 63:9; 66:21.)” – P. 231, 232 Receives a Holy Commission Once God’s Seraphim/Angels pass their test of loyalty and receives God’s power, they are prepared receive a specific assignment or commission to do the Father’s Work and Will. The prophecy of Isaiah places the actions of these seraphim/angels into an Endtime context. “They bring many of God’s people out of the path of destruction in the “last days” when God cleanses the earth of the wicked.” – P. 222 “They declare the deliverance of God’s people and help bring it about.” – P. 223 “As mentioned, seraphs minister on the earth within the parameters of God’s individual covenant. Although their role resembles that of angels, it is more than that of “messengers.” As kings and priests to God—as proxy saviors on the seraph level—they are more effective in their ministry than all others of God’s children. Their earthly missions are central to the fulfillment of God’s redemption of his people in the “last days.” Together with God’s servant, they labor in the world against evils greater than God’s people can overcome on their own. God has kept seraphs in reserve as a power for good to all who rely on him. The “deliverance” and “salvation” they secure for others is second only to Jehovah’s.” - P. 225 “In the same way he commissioned Isaiah as a seraph, so he will commission others. As Enoch and Elijah ascended to heaven, so will they.” – P. 225 “As a “fiery flying serpent”—a “flying seraph”—for example, God’s endtime servant will assist in establishing Zion as a place of safety for God’s covenant people when calamities come upon the nations. (Isaiah 14:29–32.) Isaiah’s calling the servant a “light” reflects his power as a seraph.” – P. 226 “They serve as God’s angelic emissaries; God ministers to them in person, but they minister to levels immediately below their own.” – P. 226 “They warn of Babylon’s impending fall, and they call on people everywhere to repent. They “raise their voice” mightily to herald Jehovah’s coming to reign as King. They call upon God day and night to deliver his people as they intercede with him on their behalf. They work alongside the servant to teach God’s people a higher law, to sanctify themselves to be received into God’s presence. (Isaiah 21:6–12; 52:7–8; 62:6–7.)” – P. 227 “The ability to convince others of God’s law and word, and of the urgency of the situation, marks the ministry of seraphs.” – P. 227 “Like God’s sons/servants, from which level they ascend, seraphs/saviors fulfill endtime missions when God’s people are sliding into decline. After lifting higher spiritually as many as they can, they also rescue them physically by gathering them out from among the wicked.” – P. 227 Abraham and the Ladder to Heaven In terms of epitomizing in doing the Will and Work of the Father, we must look to Abraham. Abraham exemplifies the efforts of one mortal man to ascend God's ladder - becoming the father of God's chosen people, by which Humanity would be saved and exalted. Yeshua declared to His fellow Jews, and to all of us, that we should do the works of Abraham. "They answered and said unto him, Abraham is our father. Yeshua saith unto them, If ye were Abraham’s children, ye would do the works of Abraham." - John 8:39 When we look at the life of Abraham, we can see the elements of ascending the ladder to heaven.
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