This week we’ll continue our review of chapter 6 in Isaiah Decoded – God’s Sons/Servants, Proxy Deliverers and see what it takes to have our covenant with God as His Sons/Daughters made unconditional and everlasting and receive the second comforter. Many of the elements that we saw with Zion/Jerusalem and being Born of God repeat themselves but at a higher standard. God’s Sons/Servants and Seeing God Our last stage of becoming a new creation of the Son of God is to receive the Second Comforter and see God, the Son for ourselves. When we consider seeing God, three primary aspects immerge – another trial of faith (baptism of fire); having one’s calling and election made sure; and receiving the second comforter who is God, the Son – Yehovah-Yeshua.
God’s Sons/Servants and a Second Baptism of Fire In Isaiah’s gospel, the descent before the ascent is a period of trial to test a person’s loyalty to God before God raises that person to a higher level of blessedness. This period of trial is referred to in the New Testament as a baptism of fire. This trial of faith becomes more intense as we demonstrate greater faith or loyalty to God under greater distress. Here are the comments Dr. Gileadi makes in chapter 6. “As we have seen, God’s sons/servants, who intercede for God’s people, pay the price of justice on their behalf.” – P. 196 “When God’s sons/servants fulfill these proxy functions, however, they may end up making extraordinary sacrifices. At the time the Assyrians besieged Jerusalem, King Hezekiah suffered to the point of death. Just as his people were in mortal danger from the Assyrians, so was he from an illness. During his descent phase, Hezekiah “poured out his soul unto death,” not expecting to recover.” – P. 197 “Hezekiah’s proxy role on behalf of his people parallels the ancient Near Eastern practice of the “arrested sacrifice” of the king, a yearly rite that sought to ensure the renewed fertility of the land. That springtime ritual in non-Israelite cultures consisted of the symbolic slaying of the king followed by his recovery to new life.” – P. 197 “Hezekiah’s proxy role on behalf of his people further resembles animal sacrifice. Under the Law of Moses, ritually clean beasts served as proxies for persons who had sinned. Priests slaughtered the animals in place of transgressors in symbolic fulfillment of God’s justice. Although Hezekiah did not die, his afflictions were nonetheless “unto death.” The degree of his “suffering” was equal to the “salvation” that followed. His “punishment” secured his people’s “deliverance.” As Isaiah shows, that deliverance and salvation stemmed directly from Hezekiah’s humbly enduring his illness, during which he yielded his life to God. (Isaiah 38.)” – P. 197, 198 “Just as those on the Zion/Jerusalem level pass tests of “loyalty” and “compliance” while keeping the terms of God’s covenant, so do God’s sons/servants and all who ascend.” – P. 199 “In their descent phase, they offer God the “sacrifice of a broken heart.” (Psalm 51:17.)” – P. 200 “Our experiences intensify before we reach “chosen” or “elect” status. Those who become sons/servants should expect increasing challenges. Before God exalted him as Israel’s deliverer, David endured persecution and humbling as an outcast of society. Before Hezekiah became a savior of his people, he experienced severe personal suffering. Yet, in no instance did God choose to deliver his people by some other means. Only under the terms of his covenant, using proxy deliverers on different levels, does God ordain salvation.” – P. 201
Endtime Ascent of God’s Sons and Daughters As we might guess, many who become God’s Sons and Daughters do so during the Endtime trials. God’s Sons/Daughters and Making Their Election Sure Once God’s Sons/Servants prove their loyalty to God unto death, their covenants become unconditional and everlasting. “God makes a covenant with his “sons” and “daughters” individually, not just collectively as he does with those of Zion/Jerusalem. That individual covenant is first conditional— dependent on the person’s fulfilling its terms—then unconditional.” – P. 169 “After they have thus proved loyal under all conditions, God blesses his sons/servants unconditionally as he did Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to whom he likewise appeared and ministered in person.” – P. 178 “God grants them these inheritances unconditionally, after they remain loyal to him…” – P. 180 “However, when a vassal king proves exceedingly loyal to an emperor,…. At that point, the nature of the relationship between the emperor and the vassal changes from being conditional to unconditional.” – P. 180,181 “With the change from a conditional to an unconditional covenant, the vassal’s status changed from “servant” to “son” and the emperor’s from “lord” to “father.”” – P. 181 “With King David, Jehovah first made a conditional, then an unconditional covenant. After David (Jehovah’s “vassal”) proved exceedingly loyal to him, Jehovah (David’s “emperor”) confirmed his covenant with David and blessed him unconditionally with land and offspring (see Figure 80).” – P. 185 The concept that expresses this unconditional and everlasting state Peter calls “to make your calling and election sure” – 2 Peter 1:10. “Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall: For so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Yeshua Messiah.”
God’s Sons/Daughters are Recreated in the Image of the Son An important concept that we see here is a strong connection with Paradise, Adam and Eve being created in the image of God, and Adam and Eve’s desire to be like God – Genesis 3:5,6. “As the creation of Adam and Eve is an integral part of God’s ongoing creation, and as their inheriting Paradise isn’t unique in Isaiah’s context of ascent, their creation, too, must have followed God’s pattern of “recreation” on ascending levels of the ladder.” – P. 209 “God’s creation of a man and woman on the son/servant level resembles God’s creation of Adam and Eve because as a “son” and “daughter” of God they obtain “everlasting inheritances” for themselves and their descendants on the earth in the Millennium. But the Millennium, as we have seen, is the earth’s transformation into a new Paradise.” – P. 210 We, as the posterity of Adam and Eve, inherit their potential as our potential. “For a time, instead of eating fruit in Paradise, Adam had to till the ground God had cursed “for his sake” but also, as a consequence, for the sake of his sons. Eve and her daughters would bring forth children in sorrow. (Genesis 3:16–17.) Only in that condition could their descendants ascend the ladder by themselves living God’s law and overcoming covenant curses.” – P. 211 As we can see, Adam and Eve could not be like God – recreated in the image of the Son - until they, become perfected; function as proxy saviors; obtain the power to create physical life; and become perfected in the oneness of marriage. The only way Adam and Eve could obtain these attributes and powers of the Son was to descend into a fallen world. “When God banished Adam and Eve from Paradise, they thus experienced “ruin,” “disinheritance,” “punishment,” “suffering,” and “humiliation” as part of a descent phase (see Figure 90). Their “latter end”—their “rebirth,” “inheritance,” “deliverance,” “salvation,” and “exaltation” on a higher level—would be greater than their beginning.” – P. 211 Becoming Perfected We covered receiving God’s attributes and perfections in Part 2. You can go HERE to review. Functioning as Proxy Saviors We covered being proxy saviors in Part 4, which would also include Part 3. Go HERE for Part 3 and HERE for Part 4. Receiving the Power to Create Physical Life When we look at chapter 2 of Genesis, it is obvious that Adam and Eve were the physical offspring of Yehovah – v.4. As His offspring, Adam and Eve had inherited to the power to create physical life but they could not use this ability until they had a knowledge of good and evil, which didn’t occur until they disobeyed God and became mortals. “To show us that Adam was literally God’s “son,” Moses uses identical terms to describe Adam’s son Seth as he does God’s son Adam: “This is the record of the genealogy of Adam. When God created man [Adam], he made him in the likeness of God: male and female he created them; and he blessed them and called their name man [Adam], when they were created. And Adam lived a hundred and thirty years and begot a son in his own likeness, in his own image, and he called his name Seth.” (Genesis 5:1–3; emphasis added.) As a rhetorical device, these terms establish the idea that the one is a son like the other. Isaiah, too, uses the words “create” and “beget” interchangeably in his writings.” – P. 212 God’s Sons and Daughters who have perfected their character, moreover, retain the power to create physical life. Becoming Perfected in Marriage Dr. Gileadi sees God’s Sons and Daughters perfect their marital relationship as they serve each other and their offspring. “Patriarchy and matriarchy are thus partly expressed in the husband’s and wife’s covenant relationship with each other. He serves as “father” and “lord” to her and her children by securing their divine protection under the terms of his individual covenant with God. She is “mother” and “mistress” to all her household, immeasurably influencing her husband’s development as he grows into his role of vassal/savior. She directly participates in his “rebirth” or “re-creation,” sanctifying him, as he sanctifies her. The word for “marriage” in Hebrew (qidûšîn) itself means “sanctification,” denoting a process through which two people become “holy.” The woman’s role of helpmeet reflects this “power of two.”” “In effect, in the marriage covenant a wife gives herself to her husband, whereas the husband gives himself for her, being willing to endure all things for her sake that will ensure her happiness and protection and that of her children. When two fulfill this divine pattern, the blessings of the covenant are theirs, including eternal life and “exaltation.” But if one or both fall short, so do their blessings in this life. However, as God is just, he cannot deprive one who fulfills his or her part of such blessings in the next life. When two are “unevenly yoked,” they still serve one another by each giving the other opportunities for growth. The believing spouse “sanctifies” the unbelieving one. (1 Corinthians 7:12–14.)” – P. 217 God’s Sons and Daughters retain their marital relationship. “That the idea of “male and female” first appears on the son/servant level means that those who reach this level do so within male–female relationships, not as single individuals. It further implies that male–female relationships below the son/servant level have no permanence (see Figure 87). People may contract marriages on lower levels, but these are temporary. God can’t validate such marriages beyond this life except where people ascend to the son/servant level. To do so, they must observe the terms of God’s individual covenant. That includes fulfilling marriage obligations in conjunction with proxy functions. Isaiah, for example, served as a “prophet” but his wife as a “prophetess.” (Isaiah 8:3; 38:1.)” “Male–female relationships become permanent as God’s sons/servants fulfill patriarchal and matriarchal roles following a divine pattern. We ascend by acquiring God’s attributes until God “creates” or “re-creates” us in his image and likeness. As the Book of Genesis asserts, that image is both male and female: “God created man in his own image; in the image of God he created him: male and female he created them.” “When God created man, he made him in the likeness of God: male and female he created them.” (Genesis 1:27; 5:1–2; emphasis added.) Thus, on the son/servant level and above, “What God has joined together, let not man separate,” neither in this life nor in the next. (Matthew 19:6.)” – P. 204,205 “According to Isaiah’s pattern of ascent, “creation” or “re-creation” on a higher level can’t occur until a person proves loyal to God by complying with covenant requirements. By including marriage as a condition for ascent to the son/servant level, Isaiah makes it an inherent part of God’s higher law and one of the terms of the covenant.” – P. 205 Moreover, under the Davidic Covenant, parent and child relationships become everlasting.
God’s Sons/Servants Receive the Second Comforter Whenever we fully reach a level of blessedness, we receive a heavenly manifestation as a confirmation of fully qualifying on that level. On the Zion/Jerusalem level, we receive a manifestation of the Holy Spirit – the First Comforter (John 14:26) - that confirms we fully qualified being a new creation of the Spirit. Likewise, when we have fully become a new creation of the Son, we receive the Second Comforter or the Yehovah-Yeshua Himself – John 14:15-25. “As a foretaste of their return “home” to dwell in God’s presence, Jehovah appears to his sons/servants on the earth and ministers to them in person. Just as they had ministered to others, both spiritually and physically, and as they themselves had been ministered to by angels to prepare them for this moment, so Israel’s God himself now ministers to them and they receive his promise of eternal blessedness. As that promise depended on their demonstrating “loyalty” to God and “compliance” with his will—on living the higher law of their individual covenants and serving God at all costs—so they have now come to know him. They now have no more need to believe that God lives; they know he lives and loves them.” – P. 177 “Isaiah is a perfect example of ascent to the son/servant level. When he saw the God of Israel, the seraph who ministered to him declared, “Your iniquities are taken away and your sins atoned for.” (Isaiah 6:7.) Isaiah had rejected the ways of his people and accepted God’s ways. (Isaiah 8:11–18.) Like Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, he had an individual covenant relationship with God.” -P. 179
Summary We merit God’s presence when we become like Him. This process begins when we follow the Light of Messiah and choose good over evil. To this, we add living the lower law – Torah – in the fullness of Messiah and are Born Again. To this, we add living the higher law, perfecting our lives to function as proxy deliverers and are recreated in the image of God, the Son – Yehovah-Yeshua.
Future Opportunities to Ascend for Singles
"Persons with whom God makes an individual covenant who are unable to enter into a covenant relationship with a spouse are not damned but may await a future chance to do so. Though earth-life may sometimes seem the sum total of our existence, life goes on far beyond it. God loves those who are disadvantaged no less than he loves others: “Let not the eunuch say, ‘I am but a barren tree.’ For thus says Jehovah: ‘As for the eunuchs who keep my Sabbaths and choose to do what I will—holding fast to my covenant—them I will give a handclasp and a name within the walls of my house that is better than sons and daughters.’” (Isaiah 56:4–5.) Their promise of “salvation” and “exaltation” is assured." - P.217
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