![]() This week in our review of Isaiah Decoded we’ll continue our look of Chapter 4 - Jacob/Israel, Believers in a Creator-God. Last week we saw this sequence set out in Chapter 4: Jacob > Returning to the Law > Israel > Keeps the Law > Zion. This week we’ll examine various aspects of Isaiah’s category of “Jacob”, who, during the endtime troubles and judgements, must make a choice to choose good and life, and ascend to Zion/Jerusalem or evil and death and descend to Babylon. Who Are Jacob? Dr. Gileadi opens chapter 4 by defining who exactly are Jacob. They are - 1.“believers in the God of Israel,….But it is made up of more than just Jews, Christians, or Moslems” 2.“all those whom God has created to be his people” 3.“God’s people who, over many centuries, assimilated into the nations of the world, who lost their identity as Israelites, yet have maintained a belief in God.” 4.“all who acknowledge God as their Maker, but who don’t do much beyond that.” -P. 109,110 Finally, he states at the end of the first paragraph that – “In an endtime setting, Jacob/Israel comprises people of all nations whom God seeks to reclaim.” – P. 110 Jacob Must Choose Between Good and Evil, and Life and Death The next topic that we see Dr. Gileadi mention is that Jacob must choose to ascend or descend by deciding between good and evil, and life and death. “Jacob/Israel is a key pivotal category of God’s people: from there, they either go up or down the ladder.” – P. 110 “They must choose between the true God—their Savior—and the false gods who cannot save.” – P. 110 “—people will go one of two ways, experiencing “ruin” or “rebirth,” “punishment” or “deliverance,” “humiliation” or “exaltation,” “suffering” or “salvation,” “disinheritance” or “inheritance” as a final state. They will face spiritual and physical subjection to enemies or see spiritual and physical redemption and a millennial peace.” – P.110
“Moses counseled them to keep the law of the covenant, to choose life instead of death.” – P.114 “When we ascend or descend, we no longer think and act exactly as before. In that sense, being “born again” means living a higher reality, functioning on a more elevated plane. As we ascend, God broadens our understanding even as he strengthens us. Conversely, “dying” to one’s level means living a lower reality (see Figure 55). Our understanding diminishes to the degree we descend. We lose our vitality and become spiritually, and perhaps physically, ill.” – P. 130
Jacob Are Blinded An aspect of being able to choose good and life or evil and death is that Jacob must overcome spiritual blindness. “Isaiah says they have become “blind,” “deaf,” and willfully ignorant. They are “uncomprehending” of the things of God and don’t connect their misfortunes to the way they are living. They “have eyes but see not, ears but hear not.”” – P. 119 “Almost all of God’s people have fallen into a deep sleep.” – P. 120 “In effect, after centuries of assimilation among the nations of the world, almost all of God’s people have fallen into a deep sleep.” -P. 120 “the blessings and curses of the covenant never fail;…. When Israel broke the covenant in the past, God exiled his people from the Promised Land…By remaining ignorant of God’s covenant, we perpetuate the curse and become “blind” and “deaf” to life’s purpose.” – P. 124 Jacob Must Overcome Babylon This spiritual blindness is due to Israel being assimilated into Gentiles cultures that promote the materialism and idolatry of Babylon. “They must struggle through a descent phase [Babylon] before being able to ascend to a higher spiritual and physical level (see Figure 47).” – P. 114
“They are weary and forgetful about keeping God’s covenant while under Babylon’s magic spell.” – P. 120 Jacob Put to Sleep by Babylon’s Church of False Doctrines Another aspect of Jacob being put to sleep are the efforts of Babylon’s church distancing itself from Israel and the Law, and promoting a replacement Gospel (supersessionism). Dr. Gileadi doesn’t seem to address that concept here, but we do see that idea set out by messianic teachers. The following video teaching on the origin of replacement theology by Mark Blitz is an excellent presentation of this Babylon church and how the Gospel was corrupted. Transcript of Mark Biltz's Teaching: The Origin of Replacement Theology
bless you too well hello hello are you ready all right normally I have notes for everybody at our congregation sorry I don't have notes but those of you that follow know I talk fast and I I use a lot of scripture so you may want to get a pencil and paper ready if you have one to at least record the reference and then follow along with the verse and we'll go through this but I'm really excited about what I'll be sharing with all of you tonight because it is so significant but let's start by opening in prayer Our Father our King we just come before you this evening father with open hearts and we pray that you would give us ears to hear what you're saying to the the body of messiah in these last days in Yeshua's name amen. what is replacement theology just to get a feel how many people have never heard of that term replacement theology all right I'm going to explain what that is and why it is so significant now those the rest of you that have heard of the term replacement theology I'm going to show unbelievably how even though we may know what it is and we may say we're pro-Israel we don't believe in replacement theology but you're going to find how much replacement theology is still within us that we still need to get out and I think God wants to prepare the bride how many of you believe that how many of you want to be ready amen. The Christian Church Replaces Israel I know you guys you are totally physically ready I mean most of you got three months worth of food stored up and you I believe you're emotionally ready but we also got to be spiritually ready and so here's what replacement theology teaches that when it comes to all the promises of God in the Bible that the church has now replaced Israel you'll hear people say wherever you see the word Israel just take it out and put the church the word Church in there and the church gets all the blessings and Israel gets to keep all the curses in other words in replacement theology the Jewish people have no future in God's plan they have no future in the land of Israel prophetically. It doesn't matter that they become a nation or you know now have Jerusalem back in their hands but here's the thing for almost 2,000 years there had been no nation of Israel until 1948 right Israel they were all dispersed with their being no Israel the church assumed prophetically that they must be the ones to whom all these future promises in the Bible were given to I mean think about it here's all these promises to Israel and there hasn't been in Israel for 2,000 years years so the church assumes all these promises must refer to us and not to them but then all of a sudden in 1948 Israel comes back to the real Israel and they become a nation again and so now what's the church to do this caused a real dilemma theologically back in 1948 when the Jews came back to Israel and they're all of a sudden they're here so now it's what do we do with these scripture verses do they not apply to the church anymore and they literally apply to Israel or are we to allegorize all of these verses and say they belong to the church and they would say there's not room for both of us anymore. Examples of Replacement Theology Well let me ask you this how many of you believe the media is biased. well guess what the translators were also biased and this is what I'm going to show you I'm going to show you how the translators were biased let me give you an example how many of you ever heard of the New Testament book called The Book of Jacob couple hands James did you know James name wasn't James it was Jacob that's right if you look the Greek word for Jacob is Yakov and all through the gospels if you get your strong concordance or whatever everywhere you see the word Jacob in your in the gospels you'll see the Greek word is yakob but after the gospels and the Lord rose from the dead in the book of Acts you go to the Book of James you'll see in the Greek it's Yakov but they decided to call him James maybe King James wanted a book named after himself or something but this is what happened his name wasn't James his name was Jacob but again it goes back to replacing. So the church has replaced the calendar they've replaced the holidays they've replaced everything's been being replaced how many of you have ever heard of this famous Rabbi his name is Rabbi Shaul who's heard of Rabbi Shaul that's the Apostle Paul he was a rabbi and his name was Shaul is you know some people say well he had his name changed from Saul to Paul no nowhere does it say he had his name changed go back and look it's not there he just went by another name he went by Shaul was his Hebrew name and then he also went by Paul and the reason why is Shaul in which is a Hebrew name in Greek it it sounded like "arrogant one" and so he doesn't want to go by Shaul with the Greeks because I'm arrogant so he would go by Paul. Now to give you another example take a look at this here's what replacement theology does replacement theology turns Yeshua and most people don't even know that Yeshua was Jesus's name how many of you think his mother didn't know English 2,000 years ago. now there's nothing wrong with the name Jesus but his name was Yeshua and Yeshua means something it means salvation so his mom would say hey everyone come meet my salvation I mean that's the translation so anyway replacement theology turns Yeshua from this to this and somehow he develops arthritis I don't know but it also or it turns the Hebrew Jewish Jesus into some I don't know what he's got Greek text he's holding as if all of a sudden the Greek language has superseded the Hebrew language. Now this isn't exactly Leonardo da Vinci's painting of The Last Supper I'm sure many of you have seen it but it's completely wrong everything about it is wrong and this goes back to replacement theology to where everything's been replaced if you look at Leonardo da Vinci's painting it's daylight in the background Passover was always at night they're sitting at a table they always sat on pillows I mean everything is is wrong and they all have on Renaissance clothing but take a look here's the Last Supper one of the paintings of the last supper now the last supper that Passover it's known as the Feast of unleavened bread and he's got this big loaf of Leaven bread in his hand I mean what was he thinking what have they done to me I mean here's what replacement theology does tell me this do you think the Rabbi shaul Apostle Paul look like this or this is this is what replacement Theology and we know it's subliminal all of a sudden we end up looking at everything through a Greek mindset rather than through a Jewish mindset. History and Influence of Western Greek Philosophy on Christianity So I want to go back to the roots where where did all this Western thinking come from well let me ask you this how many you ever heard of Socrates how long ago did he live. look at the impact he's had let me show you this here is Socrates he was around 500 BC to 400 BC so we're talking 2500 years ago and yet he still has an impact today he was a great philosopher he was a Greek a classical Greek philosopher and he was from Athens Greece well his student was Plato. Plato learned from Socrates and he was from like 428 to 348 BC Plato was also a classical Greek philosopher he was a mathematician and he founded the academy in Athens it was the first institution of Higher Learning in the western world and guess what along with his mentor Socrates and his student Aristotle Aristotle was Plato's student okay together Plato helped to lay the foundations of Western philosophy and science that's why everyone here knows them today because you know it was it was great as far as things that they've taught. But now Aristotle was a Greek philosopher and guess he was the teacher of Alexander the Great remember Alexander the Great well his writings covered a lot of subjects he taught about physics metaphysics poetry theater music logic politics governments all kinds of things and Aristotle is one of the most important founding figures in Western philosophy and then we look at Alexander the great in case you can't read that it's 340 or 356 BC to 323 BC and he was his great student of Aristotle and most of you know what he accomplished but how many of you ever heard of the Septuagint. Septuagint was the Hebrew Bible written in Greek it's the Greek translation of the Jewish scriptures and its origin was in in Alexandria of Egypt. Now do you remember Alexander the Great he died his kingdom got divided into four different sections and Tolomy the head of Egypt he had one section and that's when the Septuagint was written during the reign of Tololmy now how many of you ever heard of Antiochus epiphanies. Antiochus epiphanies was also a a Greek army man for lack of better terms and he is the one that the whole story of Hanukkah is about he's the one that put an idol of Zeus in the temple and defiled the temple so the Greek philosophy was all about Zeus and this kind of thing that's one of the things that they believed in and what Antiochus wanted to do is what was called to hellenize the Jews or turn the Jews into a Greek mindset away from the Jewish mindset the way they did that was by outlawing all of the Jewish rights they couldn't site the new moon they couldn't circumcise their kids they couldn't read the scriptures and so by doing that I mean that really affected all of the Jews of their day and they had to worship Zeus as the supreme god. But now what I want to do is move to Cicero how many of you remember Cicero okay he wasn't Greek he was Roman but he was a Roman philosopher if you remember Daniel's Vision you have the Medes and the pers first Babylonian overthrown by the Medes and the Persians they were overthrown by the Greeks and who are the Greeks overthrown by the Romans okay so now Rome is coming onto the scene but the Greek world has been going on for you know 400 years or so everything was Greek well now comes Cicero and he was from like 106 BC to 43 BC and he was a Roman philosopher and he introduced the Romans to the chief schools of Greek philosophy that's important he created philosophical vocabulary in Latin how many of you know the Romans spoke Latin not Greek okay so he took that he knew Greek and so he translated it into Latin so the Romans would learn the Greek philosophy and so he translated many of the Greek Works into Latin now here's what I want to bring out that's very important for you to catch Cicero was the governor of Silica remember Paul was from Tarsus of of Silica so Cicero is the governor at that time well not at the time of Paul but he was governor around 51 to 50 BC and the most important city was Tarsus and guess what Tarsus was the seat of a famous School of philosophy so here Tarsus is a world famous school for philosophy and that's where Paul was born educated and grew up. Now I want to introduce you to this next person and then we'll kind of get started but Strabo I don't how many you ever heard of Strabo but this is key Strabo lived around 63 BC to 23 ad so he was alive all during the time of Jesus Yeshua okay very important he was a geographer he was Greek he was a geographer a historian a philosopher and he's most famous for a 17 volume work that he did on geography and he had a map of the world uh and as you know back then what was the center of the world okay and what's the center of the universe Earth is the center of the universe okay now he Cicero moved to Rome around the age of 21 in 44 BC and he stayed there now how many have you ever heard of Caesar Augustus all right it was under the rule of Caesar Augustus that our knowledge of the city of Tarsus first becomes very precise and it's because of Strabo who was writing about 19 ad okay and get a load of this in 19 ad now this is just before the Apostle Paul's probably even born he probably hasn't been born quite yet but in 19 ad this is what he wrote this is an actual writing he talks about how the enthusiasm of the inhabitants for learning especially philosophy and he says the people of Tarsus have devoted themselves so eagerly to philosophy and also to the whole round of education in general get all of this he says Tarsus has surpassed Athens and Alexandria or any other place that could be named where there have been schools and lectures of philosophers so you have to understand that Tarsus in Silica was the world famous School of philosophy and that is where Paul is from. Now I want to give you a little idea about Jewish Education and this is where our schools came from According to Jewish history formal education for children even back at that time began when they were 5 years old and then that's when they would learn the alphabet at age 10 they would go to What's called the house of learning at the age of 12 or 13 their formal education was completed but if the student desired they would be sent to a bait midrash or House of study and they would sit at the feet of one of the teachers of the law and what do we read in Acts 22:3 Paul says I am a man which is a Jew born in Tarsus a city in Silica and he says yet he says I was brought up in the city at the feet of Gamliel so that means like at the Agee of you know 13 15 he is learning from Gamliel. Now let's talk a minute I'm going to go to this next PowerPoint anyway let me just show you this next PowerPoint I'm going to talk about Rabbi Shaul his nationalities I'm going to read this and I want you to catch this this is from acts 22 verse 25-28 it talks about how they bound Paul with these thongs and Paul said to the Centurion now if you're a centurion you're probably from what country Rome and you probably speak what language Latin and Paul says to the Centurion who stood by is it lawful for you to Scourge a man who is a Roman and uncondemned and when the centurion heard it he went and told the commander saying take care what you do this man is a Roman then the commander came and said to him tell me are you a Roman and he said yes and the commander answered with a large sum of money oh the commander answered with a large sum of money I obtained this citizenship but Paul says I was born a citizen so we see Paul is a citizen of Rome he's a citizen of Tarsus as well and now listen to this, this is from acts 21 uh verse 37-40 Paul was about to be brought into the barracks and he asked the commanding officer may I speak to you well guess what the commander says what do you know Greek he was speaking to the commander in Greek and he says aren't you then the Egyptian who before these days has stirred up this big sedition and Paul says I am a Jew from Tarsus in Silica which is no insignificant City and then he says allow me to speak to the people and then what do we find there was a great silence and he spoke to them in the Hebrew language so what do we know about Paul my goodness this guy knows Hebrew he knows Greek he knows Latin as a matter of fact in John chapter 9 19: 19 and 20 the sign above the cross it says was written okay in Hebrew Latin and Greek now there's a big debate whether they spoke Aramaic or not well guess what yeah they spoke Aramaic and Latin and Hebrew and Greek okay these are educated people and Paul knew all of these languages. So let's go to this next picture here's where it's going to get interesting now let me just see something yeah all right how many of you know this is like over in Greece right well it's about to get very fun for you guys this is acts 17:15-17 listen carefully it says these people that were conducting Paul brought him to Athens okay so we know he's in Greece and having received a command from unto Silas and Timothy that with all speed they may come to him they departed and now it says Paul is waiting for them in Athens so Paul is all alone here in Athens and he's waiting for Silas and Timothy and it says his Spirit was stirred up because the whole city was given over to idolatry therefore indeed listen to what he was doing he was reasoning in the synagogue with the Jews and with the Gentile worshippers so first off I want you to know during the time of Paul and his ministry the Jews and Gentiles were meeting together in the synagogue they didn't meet house to house when it talks about them meeting house to house they're talking about breaking bread just having fun but when it comes to the congregational worship they were all worshiping together in a synagogue that's what it says and it says this and they were always in the marketplace every day with those who met with him so Paul is going out to the marketplace he's going to these places and he's talking to all the Pagan Greeks. And then now listen to this it says and certain of the epicurean and stoic philosophers were meeting together to see him and some were saying what would this seed picker wish to say what does it mean by a seed picker they're saying he's like a crow or a ghoul he's a freeloader who just hangs around the open markets to live off the scraps that's what they were referring to okay but the question is this who were the epicurean and who were the stoic philosophers that he was talking about we know that of course this is Greece this this is what the philosophers did so here's what epicureanism is if you want to write this down where it talks about that the epicurean their philosophy was the best way to be happy was to not to want anything. if you don't ever want anything guess what you'll never get it and you'll always be happy that was their philosophy they said it was the it was always the wanting things that leads to pain because you couldn't get them well the epicurean had a very strong influence on Christianity as it was getting started because of that philosophy the Christian idea that Holy people should separate themselves from the world and live in like a monastery away from everybody that kind of a thing uh owes itself to uh epicureanism. Well now the stoics both these groups started about 300 BC both of them 300 years before Christ even came that's who were the stoics now their philosophy was also founded in Athens and what was their big question is what is truth. remember you know Pilate you know and Jesus you know what is truth that was the big question well that was the big philosophical question of the day what is truth this is what the stoics they said the best way to be peaceful was to be moderate in everything so in other words do anything you want to but just be moderate in it don't work all the time don't diet all the time that was the their philosophy on life. Now here's the thing here's where the shocks are going to come in how many of you remember this verse in 1 Corinthians 9:22 Paul says to the weak I became weak that I might gain the weak I made all things to all men that I might by all means save some. right well guess what he changed his mind and I'm going to show you why he changed his mind he was trying to out Greek the Greeks let me ask you this I'm going to give you some verses here that are going to shock you these are in your Bibles these are the key verses I want you to write down cuz I'm going to say some things you're not going to believe you have to go back to your own Bible to prove it. the first one is from Titus Chapter 1 verse12 listen to the key words that Paul says in Titus 11:12 he says one of themselves even a prophet of their own said the Cretans are always Liars evil beasts and slow bellies how many you have read that verse before but did you know he's quoting Greek philosophers this isn't a verse he came up with. I'm not saying he plagiarized it but he didn't originate this because he even says look your Prophet said this so you have to realize when you're reading the Bible you're not always reading the words of God per se you're reading what other people said are you following me now he said the Cretans are always Liars evil beasts and slow bellies but he said this is what your Prophet said Now look at acts 17;22 through 28 this one I'm going to read it and you're going to catch it. it says Paul stood in the midst of the areopagus he he's like right there in the middle of Greece and this is what he said he's speaking to the men of Athens and he says I perceive that in all things you are very religious for I was passing through considering the objects of your worship I even found an altar with this inscription to the unknown God therefore the one whom you worship without knowing this is the one I'm proclaiming to you you and then he says God who made the world and everything in it since he is the Lord of Heaven and Earth he does not dwell in temples made with hands nor does he worship with men's hands as though he needed anything since he gives to all life breath and all things and he has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on the face of the Earth is determined their pre-appointment times their boundaries of their dwellings so that they should seek the Lord in the hope that he that they might grow for him and find him though he is not far from each one of us now listen to this next phrase for in him we live and move and have our being how many of you have heard that before but listen to the very next sentence as some of your own poets have said for we are also his offspring for we are also his offspring. Now let me show you something how many of you ever heard of epimenides he was a semi mythical 6th Century BC Greek seer in a philosopher poet concerning Zeus he wrote in the 6th Century BC concerning Zeus they fashioned the tomb for you oh holy and high one the cretians are always liars and evil beasts idle bellies but you are not dead you live and abide forever for in you we live and move and have our being he's quoting I think to Zeus and here Christians are in him we live and move and have our being not realizing they're singing that to Zeus he even said that your own prophets your own philosophers have said this he's quoting them and then we take it and we start appropriating it then he's talking about Zeus then there's aratus a Greek poet from where Paul was very smart he went to school this is where all the Greek philosophers was he studied it he knew it 310 BC to 240 BC he wrote a book called phenomena which means astronomy let us begin with Zeus whom we Mortals never leave unspoken for every street every Marketplace is full of Zeus even the Sea and the harbor are full of this deity everywhere everyone is indeed to Zeus for we are indeed his offspring. we don't know history and we don't study and all sudden we're realizing he he's trying to out Greek the Greeks this is how many of you know I tell you what everyone in all the Bible characters were dysfunctional just like all of us I'm serious Abraham Isaac Jacob they were a mess David his sons were killing each other. well guess what the Peter Paul they were all dysfunctional too so we're all in good company but the the thing that we need to realize is when we're studying these people we need to realize that they had problems and he was trying to assimilate. he thought if we can just like all God is all of the same God as the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob no well he's trying to tell them that Zeus is god and it we're worshiping the same God and he realizes that doesn't work and you know he gives up on that philosophy of trying to assimilate them and get them to believe that way. I'm going to show you that from your Bible. the lie of the Cretans where it says the Cretans are always Liars was that they thought that Zeus was mortal and epimenides believed that Zeus was Immortal how many of you heard of this verse in 1 Corinthians 15;33 where Paul says do not be deceived evil company corrupts good habits you heard that well guess what he got that from Menander a Greek dramatist who lived 342 to 291 BC he wrote over 100 comedies and one of the comedies he says evil Communications corrupt good manners people don't realize Paul because he was a Greek philosopher himself and he lived in this great philosophy town he was doing a lot of quoting of their prophets and he even said several times if you go back and look as your Prophet said as your Prophet said your philosophers so anyway so I just wanted to First give you an idea that when you read the scriptures you really have to put your reading glasses on because much of Christianity has kept much of the western Greek philosophy in their mindset - this is the the great deception. This isn't on my notes I'm just going to throw this in here how many remember Hemon and the Book of Esther remember Antiochus with Hanukkah what was the difference between Hemon and Antiochus epiphanies Hemon wanted to kill all the Jews just kill them all right Antiochus didn't. Antiochus just wanted them to assimilate so Hemon is about annihilation and Antiochus is about assimilation and in these last days the reason why the deception is going to be so strong is because the Antichrist is going to come across as Antiochus just assimilate. now if you don't assimilate I'll annihilate you but he's going to say you can keep your Jesus you can keep this but I also want you to incorporate this other Greek mindset like Antiochus did. so let's look at acts 18 1-5 what does Paul finally do. we see that after these things Paul leaves Athens and he comes to Corinth and then we find Simon and Timothy are now coming from Macedonia so now he's and if you remember I don't know of a church in Athens you don't read anything about any church of Athens or even a church in Greece for that matter. well you have Corinthians but there's no church in Athens but let's take a look at 1 Corinthians 1 let's go back there in 17:23 and I'm not going to read the whole verse of 17- 23 but after Paul leaves Athens and he goes to Corinth he's changing his mind. listen to this in verse 17 he says my mission from Messiah was not to baptize but to tell the good news not however in the language of philosophy. he finally decided this is not to be done in the language of philosophy lest the cross of the Messiah should be robbed of its meaning he says the message of the Cross is indeed Folly to those who are in the path to ruin but to us who are in the path of Salvation is the power of God and then he says this for the scripture says I will bring the philosophy of the philosophers to nothing the shrewdness of the shrewd I'll make of no account where is the philosopher where is the teacher of the law where is the disputant of today has not God shown that the world's philosophy is folly so all of a sudden you see he's finally realized you can't out philosophize the philosopher you can't out Greek the Greeks we need to forget about that and just stick to the cross and him crucified so Paul gave up on the Greek mindset. History of Early Christian Fathers Against the Jews But guess what the brand new believing Gentiles with no Torah background at all see Paul had a Torah background but all these new Gentiles that are coming in had no Torah background so all they could cling to was the philosophy of Socrates Plato and Aristotle for their moral High Ground so what happens is this the antagonism of the early Christians in that first century toward the Jews was reflected in the writings of the early church fathers and I'm going to give you some examples what we need to realize is when when we talk about the early church fathers you know who comes to my mind Abraham Isaac and Jacob they're the early church fathers. I've got some some things that is going to blow your mind. but we'll start here 160 ad how many you ever heard of Justin Martyr these are some of the early church fathers in one sense Irenaeus declared at this year 160 ad this isn't that much longer he declared let's see right here that this he said to a Jew the scriptures are no longer yours they're now ours how many of you ever heard of Irenaeus 177 ad Irenaeus he was the bishop of lion and he wrote the Jews are now disinherited from the grace of God. now we come to Tertullian 160 to 230 ad he wrote a treaties called against the Jews and he announced that God has now rejected the Jews in favor of the Christians. Before I go to Constantine I want to tell you a little bit about Yesuveus how many of you ever heard of Yesuveus all right he was in the early 4th Century he wrote that the promises of the Hebrew scriptures were now for the Christians and not the Jews but the curses were for the Jews he argued that the church was the continuation of the Old Testament and it superseded Judaism and the young Church declared itself to be the true Israel or Israel according to the spirit heir to the Divine promises and they found it essential to discredit Israel according to the flesh to prove that God had cast away his people and transferred all of his love to the Christians now what happens in 306 there's this guy named Constantine he became the first Christian Roman emperor in ad. 321 he's the one who made Christianity the official religion of the Empire to the exclusion of all other religions but that's also began the discrimination and persecution of the Jewish people. Now how many of you have been to Israel before some of you have you ever been to Capernaum Capernaum there's this ancient synagogue there well do you know Capernaum was continuously occupied clear into the 300 ad by Messianic Jewish people and they're in this particular synagogue if you go there you can literally see that the base the synagogue that Jesus taught in and it was destroyed and another synagogue was built on top of it there but Jewish history records there were Jewish Believers in Jesus as late as 400 ad let's see and listen to this epiphanous he mentions that Christianity which was opposed to the Jewish Believers in Capernaum had considerable difficulty in establishing a foothold in Capernaum because of the strong Jewish character of The Village the Capernaum residents the Jewish Believers living in Capernaum would not allow the construction of a church in Capernaum until it was forced upon them by Imperial decree of Constantine in the year 337 now I'm going to get a load of this and numbers now how many of you let me ask you before I read this how many of you believe that we're to use our reason and not God's word are we supposed to go by God's word or what our reason says are we're supposed to go by the majority or What God Says listen to numbers 9 6-2 it talks about there was a certain men who were defiled by a dead body of a man and they couldn't keep Passover you know and so they went to Moses and said hey you know we've been defiled by this dead body we want to keep Passover and so Moses says let me go to God and find out what God has to say about this and the Lord speaks to Moses and he said tell the children of Israel if any one of you or of your posterity will be unclean by reason of a dead body and the reason they were dead they were hauling Joseph's bones around remember Joseph they picked up his bones out of Egypt that's who they were defiled by they were they were you know they had to take care of moses' (Joseph) body even though he's dead and you know they're moving it around you know every time they had to pick up and move guess what they got to pick up Joseph's casket all right and so here they moved and they say we want to keep Passover but we've been defiled by a dead body what are we to do because the Lord says to keep Passover so God listen this is God God says this okay if any of you are unclean by reason of a dead body or you're in a journey far away You're Still to keep the Passover but you can do it on the 14th day of the second month so if God says you can keep Passover on the second day uh or on the 14th day of the second month I think it's okay right I mean God is the boss as a matter of fact in 2 Chronicles 30 verse 1 through3 here's an instance where Hezekiah sent to All of Israel and Judah he wrote letters to Ephraim manessa that they should all come to the house of the Lord to keep the Passover to the Lord God of Israel and it says the king took counsel and his princes from all the congregation in Jerusalem to keep the Passover in the second month because they couldn't keep it in the first month because the priests hadn't Sanctified themselves sufficiently so they hey God said we could do it in the second month if we're not ready we're going to do it in the second month. Now let's listen to what the early Christian Church says because they had no knowledge of Torah Constantine in particular how many you ever heard of the Council of Nicea okay this is in 325 ad or CE and this is I'm literally quoting this you can Google this you can find this this is what Constantine said this is the letter from the letter of the emperor Constantine to all those who are were not at the council how many of you believe that we're supposed to do what God says or are we supposed to do what's convenient. let's listen put yourself in this setting here you're listening to you're you're a a Believer and you're reading Constantine's letter listen to what he says when the question relative to the sacred Festival of Easter arose it was universally thought that it would be more convenient that we all keep the feast on one day it was declared to be particularly unworthy for this the holiest of festivals to follow the customs of the Jews who had soiled their hands with the most fearful of crimes and whose Minds were blinded he says in rejecting this custom their custom we want to submit to our Descendants the legitimate mode of celebrating Easter we ought not therefore to have anything in common with the Jew for the Savior has shown us another way our worth is following a more legitimate way it's a more convenient course as well by the orders of the day of the week and in unanimously adopting this mode we desire dear Brethren to separate ourselves from the detestable company of the Jew for it is truly truly shameful for us to hear them boast that without their direction that we could not even keep this Feast then he says this how can they be in the right who after the death of the Savior have no longer been led by reason but by wild violence as their delusion May urge them they do not possess the truth in the Easter question for in their blindness and in repugnance to all improvements they frequently celebrate two Passover in the same year they'll keep it in the first month and the second month this we cannot imitate those who are openly in error how then could we follow these Jews who are most certainly blinded by error for this to celebrate a Passover twice in a year is totally inadmissible as far as we're concerned but even if this were not so it is still your duty not to tarnish your soul by communicating with such Wicked people the Jews you should consider not only that the number of churches in these provinces make the majority but also that it is right to demand what our reason approves and that we should have nothing in common with the Jews. These are the early Church Father this is where we're getting this from how many of you ever heard of St Jerome he wrote he describes the Jews as serpents wearing the image of Judas their Psalm the Psalms and their prayers are all the braying of donkeys then we have Chrysostom in the 4th Century he was the bishop of Antioch he wrote a series of eight sermons against the Jews and here's one. The synagogue is not only a brothel and a theater and its a den of robbers and a lodging for wild beasts no Jew adores God Jews, Jews are inveterate murderers possessed by devil their debauchery and drunkenness gives them the manners of the pig. Now how many have heard about the Muslims Islam calling the Jews pigs - they got it from the church. This is long before Islam began. In the 5th Century St Augustine the burning question in the 5th century if the Jews and the Judaism were cursed by God how come they're still here. Augustine confronted this problem he wrote a sermon called Against the Jews. he attained that the Jews deserve the most severe punishment having killed our Jesus, he said they have been kept alive by divine providence to serve together with their scriptures as witnesses of the truth of Christianity. now if you do you remember 1492 Columbus sail the ocean blue a lot of people don't know that's when all the Jews were kicked out of Spain Columbus was Jewish there's a boatload of Jews leaving with him to discover the new world but what's right after 1492 is the early 1500s and you have Martin Luther. Now we're going to move to the Protestant Reformation at first Martin Luther had hoped that the Jews would side with him because he was bashing the Catholics and when the Jews didn't side with him he turned on them so let's take a look at Martin Luther. he was 1483 to 1546 now I'm going to read what he wrote I'm going to put different PowerPoints as I go but I'm going to begin with this here's what Martin Luther said in his book this is called and you can Google this and you can read it it's called the Jews and their lies that this is his book I'm I'm just quoting the problem with history is the one thing we learn from history is we don't learn from history and if we don't know history then we're condemned to repeat it listen to these are the exact these are this is I'm quoting Martin Luther's book first off he says what shall we Christians do with this rejected and condemned people the Jews since they live among us we dare not tolerate their conduct now that we are aware of all their lying and reviling and blaspheming if we do we become sharers in their lies cursing and blasphemy thus we cannot extinguish the unquenchable fire of divine Wrath of which the prophet speak nor can we convert these Jews so he says this with prayer with prayer and the fear of God we must practice a sharp Mercy to see whether we might save at least a few of them from the glowing Flames we dare not avenge ourselves Vengeance a thousand times worse that we could wish them already has them by the throat so he says I'm going to give you my advice so this was Martin Luther's advice of what to do with the Jewish people he said first we need to set fire to their synagogues or schools and bury and cover with dirt whatever will not burn so that no man will ever again see a stone or Cinder of them and this is to be done in honor of our Lord and Christendom so that God might see that we are Christians and we do not condone or knowingly tolerate such public lying cursing and blaspheming of his son and of his Christians for whatever we tolerated in the past unknowingly I myself was unaware of it it will be pardoned by God then that's the first thing then he said the second thing I advise also that their houses also be destroyed for they pursue in them the same aims as in their synagogues instead they might be lodged under a roof or in a barn like the Gypsies and this will bring home to them that they are not Masters in our country as they boast but they are living in Exile and in captivity as they incessantly wail and lament about us before God. third he says I advise that all their prayer books and their writings in which such idolatry lies cursing and blasphemy are taught to be taken from them. fourth I advise their rabbis be forbidden to teach on pain of loss of life and limb for they have justly forfeited the right to such an office by holding these poor Jews captive by the sayings of Moses they wantonly employed the Poor People's obedience contrary to the law of the Lord and abuse them with this poison cursing and blasphemy. fifth I advise their safe conduct on the highways be abolished completely for the Jews for they've no business in the countryside since they are not Lords officials Tradesmen or the like let them stay at home sixthly I advise that user be prohibited to them that all their cash and their Treasure of silver and gold be taken from them and put aside for safekeeping lastly number seven now remember Martin Luther is a German he says seventhly I commend putting a flail an axe a hoe a spade a dis staff or a spindle into the hands of these young strong Jews and jewesses and and letting them earn their bread in the sweat of their brow as was imposed on the children of Adam for it is not fitting that they should let us accursed Gentiles toil in the sweat of our faces while they the holy people idle away their time behind the stove feasting and farting and on top of it all they are both blasphemously of their lordship over the Christians by means of our sweat burn down their synagogues for did all that I enumerated earlier force them to work deal harshly with them as Moses did in the wilderness slay 3,000 less the whole people perish they surely do not know what they're doing moreover as people possessed they do not wish to know here or learn it there would be wrongful to be merciful and confirm them in their conduct if this does not help we must drive them out like Mad Dogs so that we do not become partakers of their abominable blasphemy and all their other vices and thus Merit God's Wrath and be doomed with them he closes with I've done my Duty now let everyone see to theirs I'm exonerated. How many have you ever heard this of any of these Church fathers before a few this is where replacement theology comes from and a lot of people don't even they don't they don't understand this this is why I want to bring this out because there's a big deception that's going to be coming and if you're not prepared of the roots of this deception you're going to be taken the Bible declares that there's nothing new Under the Sun it was happening back then and it's happening today we are only building upon the sins of the fathers and let me give you a good example of replacement theology. Well before I do that let me say this there's a saying that the church actually started it all with forced conversions here's what the church said the church says the Jews cannot live among us as Jews they have to convert and they were forcing all the Jews to convert Jews cannot live among us as Jews so what did the Nations do like Constantine he's the head of the nation he goes well let's take this thing the church said and we'll just say the Jews cannot live among us and so we'll kick them all over the world we keep kicking all over the place so the church says the Jews cannot live us among us as Jews they have to convert the Nations build on that and they say well the Jews cannot live among us and all Hitler did was just take what the church said and just left it to the first sentence the Jews cannot live. I don't know let me talk to you about the church triumphant I don't know how many of you have ever seen this before but what this is this is I have here the degradation of the Jews that's explained in theological terms on the wall of the Strasburg Cathedral here you have depicted the crowd Church while the synagogue is blindfolded to the truth of the gospels and they continue to lean on this broken staff of the Old Testament how many of you heard of St Thomas aquinus here's what he wrote it would be listent to hold the Jews because of their crimes of failing to embrace Christianity In Perpetual servitude and therefore the princes May regard all the possessions of the Jews as belonging to the state that was St Thomas aquinus now what's amazing to me is I want to talk I'm going to go to the heart of the matter. God's Patience with the Jews How many of you believe Moses loved God I mean he loved God as a matter of fact this is numbers chap 14 10-12 I mean several times you remember at the after the golden calf God was ready to destroy Israel because of their sins what did Moses do he came in and said don't do that or the Nations will say you weren't able to do it take me as what Moses says take me I would rather you take me than your name be disgraced that you weren't able to bring all the Jews in. well here's another instance remember the spies rejecting the land in numbers 14 this is verse 10-2 everyone's ready to stone Joshua and Caleb with stones the two spies that brought the good report it says the glory of the Lord appeared in the Tabernacle of the congregation before all the children of Israel here's the second time the Lord appears to Moses and he says how long will this people provoke me how long will it be before they believe me for all the signs which I've showed among them I'm going to Smite them with pestilence I'm going to disinherit them I will make of you Moses a greater nation and mightier than they in other words they're saying Moses you're going to be great I'll start over forget Abraham forget Isaac forget Jacob forget everything Moses I'm going to start over with you now how many of us unlike Moses would say yeah God get them they deserve it wipe them out God it's your will that they be destroyed and you want to make me you want me to be the boss. God this is my chance go get him God I'm serious how I mean that would be most people's mindset but that wasn't Moses this is what he said in numbers 14 13-16 Moses says to the Lord but then the Egyptians are going to hear it for by your might you brought these people up from among them and they're going to tell it to the inhabitants of this land and they have heard that you Lord are among these people and that you Lord are seen face to face and your Cloud stands above them and he says now if you kill all these people as one man the Nations which have heard of your Fame are going to say because the Lord was not able to bring this people to the land which he swore to give them that's why he killed them in the wilderness and then it goes on to say in verse 17-21 here's moses' response. he says now I pray let the power of my Lord be great just as you've spoken saying the Lord is long suffering abundant in Mercy forgiving iniquity transgression he says I pray according to the greatness of your mercy just as You' forgiven this people from Egypt till now and then what does the Lord say he says okay I pardon according to your word Moses Moses was more concerned about God getting the glory than he was in of own self being made this great leader and starting over with him I mean talk about historical significance and yet does the church today take the same attitude of Moses and say God bring the Jewish people in bring them in this is I want to see you glorified I want to see you lifted up if if we've replaced Israel God then we're saying you weren't able. Early Gentile Believers Imposing Western Philosophy on the Jews We need to have the attitude of Moses in Mark 10: 42-44 listen to this Jesus calls them to him and he says to them you know that those which are accounted to rule over the Gentiles how the Gentiles want to exercise lordship over them and their great ones exercise Authority upon them he says but don't let it be that way among you you remember that verse but whoever will be great among you shall be your minister and whoever will be the chiefest let him be the servant of all right so in other words he says don't you be like these Gentiles who want a lord over the flock cuz he knows the Gentiles want a lord over the flock have authority and control and manipulate people all right did you know replacement theology was even happening during the time of the Apostle John what happened is after the Jews were scattered the Gentile leaders began to take over over the congregations these new Gentiles who didn't know anything about the Torah anything about the Bible all they had was Western Philosophy from Plato Greek and Socrates and Yeshua had said don't be like the Gentiles who want a lord over the flock well did you know there was a Greek Pastor who would not allow the Apostle John in the church not only that he wouldn't allow any other Jews in and he kicked out any Gentile out of the church who would allow Jews in I can show you a verse in your Bible where the Apostle John was kicked out of the church and the Jews and any Gentile who would allow the Jews in that's how quickly how many of you ever read that verse all right see some hands are you ready write this verse down can you believe the Apostle John getting kicked out of the church let me start with this if I said my name was Paco I'm probably from South America somewhere right or Central America if I said my name was eigor I'm probably from Russian right if I said my name was Diotrephes where am I from Greece I mean I think that means lover of Zeus something along that line well guess what there's this guy named Diotrephes who took over a local church this verse is found in third John right before Judah and Revelation this is third John there's only one chapter it's verse 9 and 10 listen to what the Apostle John says I wrote to the church but Diotrephes who loves to have the preeminence among them exercising lordship does not receive us therefore if I come I will call to mind his deeds which he does praying against us with malicious words and not content with that he himself does not receive the Brethren that's the other Jewish people and he forbids those who wishes to kicking them out of the church that's in every one of your Bibles in third John verse 9 and 10 it had already taken place that early now I want to like I said how many of you believe the media is biased so are the translators. Biasing Bible Translations - Synagogue becomes Assembly/Church I'm now going to show you some intentionally mistranslated words that came in to affect subliminally your mindset in accepting replacement theology first off let me see how am I doing time wise it's already been an hour I only got a little bit more in acts 18:26 this says Paul began to speak boldly in the synagogue guess what the Greek word is for synagogue sunagagae make sense now in the book of Jacob or James in Chapter 2 how many have you ever heard this verse before if there comes into your assembly a man with a gold ring and goodly apparel and there come also a poor man in vile raiment you all remember that verse guess what the Greek word for assembly is there it's sunagagae my goodness we can't make everyone think they're a meeting in a synagogue so we're going to translate sunagagae here as assembly. now how many of you ever heard of in Revelation 2:9 where it talks about those that are of the synagogue of Satan guess what the Greek word is sunagagae but how come they don't put assembly of Satan in James when it talks about if one comes into your sunagagae oops let's write assembly because we don't want them to think they're meeting in the synagogue but now in the Revelation that talks about the sunagagae of Satan ooh let's keep synagogue there we want to associate synagogue with Satan it's the same Greek word just like Yakov is translated one way in the gospels and another way in the Book of James they will intentionally translate because they have a bias. now in Exodus 35;1 let me put this verse up here again this is the Septuagint this is sunagagae in English sunagagae in Greek it's Strong's number 4864 uh this is from Exodus 35;1 uh where it talks about uh how Moses assembled all of the congregation and uh the word to assemble or gather the word gather here is uh in Hebrew it's the kahal okay um now the word congregation in Hebrew not Greek in Hebrew it's the word Eda but they translated that into Greek as sunagagae now why is all of this important okay in the Septuagint the Hebrew word adah was translated using the Greek word sunagagae and so both words were interchangeable in the Greek a synagogue means an assembly of people but it also could like think of it this way a baseball game that is a sunagagae just meant assembly as a matter of fact Ecclesia meant assembly so here both words are synonyms and yet most people don't see the church in the synagogue as the same thing they're completely different and yet in the context Ecclesia meant assembly sunagagae meant assembly what you see here at a baseball game is an Ecclesia it's a sunagagae they meant the same thing as an assembly. But Watch What Happens here let's see where do I want to go now you got to remember the Septuagint was written about 320 BC now let me ask you this were there any churches around the time of Moses in 1500 BC there weren't any churches at the time of Moses right well listen to this is uh acts 7 and verse 38 it says now this is acts 7 listen to what it says this is he that was in the church in the wilderness with the angel that spoke to him in Mount Sinai and with our fathers who received the lively oracles to us wait a minute it says the church in the wilderness do you really think there was a church in the wilderness okay there was an Ecclesia in the wilderness which means an assembly in Deuteronomy 18 15- 18 it says this this is the verse that acts 7 is quoting it says the Lord your God is going to raise up to you a prophet from the midst of you of your brother like to me and here you're going to listen to according to all that you desire of the Lord your God in Horeb in the day of the assembly okay he says I'm going to raise up a prophet like unto me well let's see well we'll just go here yeah okay this is Leviticus uh 8:3 and I want you to see something here here you see sunagagae 4864 and here you see the word Ecclesia 1577 and so uh it's the congregation let all the congregation sunagagae hold an Ecclesia and assembly do you see that so there was an Ecclesia clear back here in the time of Moses so here's the Wilderness let's put Moses in was there a church in the wilderness no there was not any church in the Wilderness okay so now let's go to this here uh this here you could see the word Ecclesia and the word assembly this is in the Septuagint and this is let's see yeah Deuteronomy 18;15-18 where it talks about in the day of the assembly that acts was quoting the church in the wilderness this is this is the verse and you can see the word is Ecclesia but in Acts they decided to translate it as church instead of assembly so let me ask you well before I do that I want one more thing Let me give you Acts 19;35-41 how many of you remember uh the Goddess Diana okay in the ancient times Diana was the goddess of the Ephesians her Greek name was Artemis and she was also represented as a star now in Acts 19;35-41 if you remember they're all worshipping the Great Goddess Diana right and at the end it says and then they dismissed the assembly you know why because the word is Ecclesia oops we can't put Church in here they'll think the church was worshiping Diana so now we're going to translate it as assembly so Ecclesia they will pick and choose if they want it to be church or assembly depending on their bias sunagagae they will Pi pick if they want it to be sunagagae or assembly depending on their bias so when we ask people when did the church begin everyone says acts no this was the Ecclesia and you have proof in the Septuagint because this was the Ecclesia the Ekklesia in the wilderness that they were talking about in Acts this is replacement theology when you say the church began in Acts that's replacement theology. Gentiles are to be Grafted into Israel the called out ones began a long time before that as a matter of fact we need to know that Israel is uh the Olive Tree okay and in case you didn't know the word Ecclesia is used 70 times in the Old Testament that's important so what we need to realize is, Israel is the Olive Tree and what did God do out of the world of the Nations God called Israel the Jewish people out of the world for some reason the church thinks they were called out of Israel okay but that's not what's true the church was been called out of the world and there to join the Olive Tree Israel. so here people, God has called them out to join and be grafted into what Israel. Now how many of you have heard of uh the faith chapter Hebrews 11 there's not one Christian mentioned in there Hebrews 11 is all of the Jews of faith I mean uh it talks about Jephthae you know it talks about Samson it talks about all of those who love God this is Hebrews 11 and it says that without them uh without us they should not be be made perfect so they're waiting for us so it doesn't say without them it says but them without us so these are all the faithful Jews that we grafted in with so lastly uh as I close here the the New Covenant if you read it in Jeremiah 31 it's with Israel in Judah that's what it says and it's the Torah written on our heart now how does this affect our theology. Galatians Believers following Pagan Ideas I only have a couple more verses but I want to show you why this Western mindset of replacement theology has affected our Christian Theology and why it makes a difference in Acts chapter 13 let me put up this here I want you to see where perga is down here is perga there's Antioch over here but there's also antioch of pisidia and I want you to notice where galatia is this is the area of galatia here is where the seven churches were over in this area here there's two verses that are often misinterpreted and so I want to give you the correct interpretation but it has to do with this Western mindset listen to this this is from acts 13:14 and 15 it says when they had departed from perga and they went to Antioch in pisidia they went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day and sat down and then it talks about how after the reading of the law and the prophets the rulers of the synagogue said to them hey if you have any word tell us and then in Acts 13: 45 and 51 and 52 it says when the Jews saw all these non-jews coming in and taking their seat in the synagogue okay they were filled with Envy they spoke against those things which were spoken by Paul contradicting and blaspheming and so what did Paul do he shook the dust off of his feet and he came to Iconium so let me bring up this oh there's Antioch of pisidia okay so here's Antioch of pisidia and then it says they went to Iconium and then they're going to go to listra and then they're going to go to Derby which is in the province of lacainia but it's all galatia now I'm talking about an incident in Acts but when you read the book of Galatians you need to know that these events in Acts happened and affected his book to the Galatians cuz this is where these things happened so let's let me go here I'm almost done it says they went to Iconium okay so they went to Iconium and then in Acts 14: 5 and 6 it says there was another assault made by the Gentiles and the Jews with their rulers to stone them and so now they went they fled to listra and then they fled to Derby. Now here's what happens in Derby and act 14 8-11 you'll remember this story it says there set a certain man well this is at listra so this is still in galatia right here who was impotent in his feet being a from his mother's womb he had never walked and the same had heard Paul speak and Paul steadfastly beheld him perceiving he had Faith to be healed he said with a loud voice stand up on your feet he leaped and he walked and when the people saw what Paul had done they lifted up their voices saying in the speech of lacainia right here they said uh let's see the gods are come down to us in the likeness of men remember that that whole story and so in Acts 14:12 and 13 it says they called Barnabas Jupiter Paul Mercury because he was the chief speaker then the priest of Jupiter which was before their City brought oxen and garlands and the gates to sacrifice to them and what did Paul say to them he says in verse 14 and 15 which when the apostles barnabus and Paul heard of it they rent their clothes they ran among the people cried out don't you do these things we're just men just like you are and we're preaching to you that you should listen to these words I want you to turn from these vanities to the Living God that made the heaven. the Galatians worshiped the heavenly bodies rather than the creator of the heavenly bodies right they you know they were following astrology okay these are the Galatians the Galatians worship the planets uh think of astrology. Okay just like China has the year of the pig or the year of the monkey okay the Galatians worship the Zodiac they worshiped the Sun the moon the stars right and Paul says to them turn from these vanities why are you on this Pagan calendar okay so now here comes the two verses that are so often interpreted and now you're going to get the better understanding Galatians 48:11 he's writing to who the Galatians who worship the sun and the moon and the stars they worship astrology and he says this how be when you did not even know God you did service to them which by Nature are no Gods but now that you've known God or rather are known of God why do you turn back again to the weak and beggar elements where you desire to be kept in bondage you're observing days and months and times and years I'm afraid of you lest I bestowed upon you labor in vain everyone will read that verse you're keeping days and months and times and years and say that refers to the biblical calendar he's not talking about the biblical calendar at all he's talking about the Pagan zodiac he says days and months and years when he's referring to the biblical calendar he doesn't use the term days and months and years listen to the terms he uses here remember his whole idea about philosophy. Listen to this other often misinterpreted verse this is in Colossians chapter 2:8 he's now speaking to the Colossians so let's look here I think I have let me see if I have Colossians in here okay you see where the Colossians are okay they're they're right in the same area of galatia which was cleared down over in here remember he went to perga and up in here Iconium Derby listra this is where it was these Pagan Galatians who were worshiping the horoscope are trying to influence the Colossians now listen to what he says to the Colossians he says this. beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit after the tradition of men the rudiments of the world and not after Christ and then he says in verse 16-18 to the Colossians don't let anyone judge you in meat or in drink or inspect of a holy day or the new moon or the Sabbath days these are a shadow of things to come so the Colossians are keeping the biblical calendar instead of saying month he says new moons rather than days in years so to the Colossians he's saying don't let anyone judge you because you are keeping the biblical calendar don't let these Pagan Galatians because they've turned back to the Pagan calendar try to influence you and yet so many Christians think he's telling the Colossians well don't let anyone have the respect to the new moon or Sabbath day or holy day well you don't need to keep the biblical calendar that's not what he's saying he's saying just the opposite everything's been turned on its head and inside out because of the western Greek philosophy he's telling the Pagan Galatians why are you going back now that you have the Holy Days in the calendar why are you going back to the Pagan calendar and the Colossians he says don't let these stupid Galatians judge you in keeping the biblical calendar so you can see how this has been so misinterpreted and we become deceived because the devil doesn't want us on the calendar that's why in The Book of Daniel it prophesies he changes the times and the seasons because he doesn't want you aware of what's going on. Israel is the Center of the Theological Universe, Not the Church So what's happened is this here how many of you know the sun is the center of our universe this is what was taught by Copernicus but you know what happened oh I have a little narrative here I just want to read the Polish astronomer Copernicus never like the geocentric or Earth view of the universe yet he never publicly announced his views until he was old and this was due to the church anyone who opposed church doctrine was branded a heretic they would would destroy your reputation they would put you in prison or even sentence you to death Copernicus publication on the revolution of the celestial Fields uh spheres that's that it's over here a second was not even published until after he died in order for him to avoid being persecuted by the church often called the Copernicus revolution this actually was not much of a revolution the book was published in Latin so the general public was not even able to read it academics could but few learned people were willing to face the church and risk death it wasn't until 73 years after it was published in 1616 did the church consider it important enough to place it on the index of prohibited books so here the church felt the Earth was the center of the universe that's what the church that's what the scientists believe this is clear to the 1500s this is a Tolomy okay they followed a geocentric system and this is a an art piece by a Portuguese cosmographer and cartographer his name was Bartholomew velho in 1568 so this is after Copernicus has died all right and they even believed then in the 1500s that Earth was the center of the universe and listen to what this uh I I got this off the internet it says that uh this model served as the predominant cosmological system in many ancient civilizations such as ancient Greece including the noteworthy system of Aristotle and Tolomy as such they assumed that the son the moon and the stars and the naked eye Planet circle the Earth so here's what's happening this Pretend This is the universe the church has always believed it is at the center of the theological universe and so here's the Catholic church and they believe that they're at the center of the theological universe and all these other Protestant denominations revolve around them it goes just back to this the church needs to realize they're not the central they're not at the center of the theological Universe. Israel is so that's what I want to close with is just the fact that we need to realize this ancient deception of replacement Theology and its roots and there are so many theological ramifications I don't have time to get into but I want you to know that's an ancient deception that's been around a long time and we need to figure out what's going on because we believe that that we've replaced the Jewish people we've replaced the calendar we've replaced the holidays we've replaced the people and so my concern for you I know you guys want to hear the truth just have it just all sorted out right you don't want to you don't want people just they want you you want to be shot straight and so that's what I want to do I just want to shoot straight with you let you know what's there and I'll let you guys sorted out but thank you very much
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