This week in our review of Isaiah Decoded we’ll wrap-up our look at chapter 4 - Jacob/Israel, Believers in a Creator-God. What we see at the end of the world is a complete separation of the wicked and the righteous. Those who failed to respond to the three-year message of God’s Servant perish during the Day of Jehovah when the three years of judgements sweep the earth and destroy the ungodly. Jacob/Israel disappears as God proves the loyalty of His people who ascend to Zion/Jerusalem. Jacob Forced to Ascend or Descend One of the unique events of the Endtimes is that God eliminates those who have been casual in their relationship with God. God forces Jacob (and Ephraim) to make a solid commitment to God by rejecting Babylon and accepting the law-based Gospel of Israel. “They must choose between the true God—their Savior—and the false gods who cannot save. God asks them to renew their allegiance to him and keep his law and word. As the end of the world approaches, Jacob… cannot remain where it is. Everyone on that level will have to either ascend or descend.” P. 110 “To recall what we have learned from Isaiah’s seven-part structure—people will go one of two ways, experiencing “ruin” or “rebirth,” “punishment” or “deliverance,” “humiliation” or “exaltation,” “suffering” or “salvation,” “disinheritance” or “inheritance” as a final state.” – P. 110 “A final time of testing precedes this end-of-the-world or end-of-Babylon scenario. God will give all people a last opportunity to ascend by renewing the covenant. To survive destruction, Jacob …. must “repent” and “return.” – P. 111
Israel - God’s Probationary People Once Jacob repents and renews the covenant – becoming Israel - but have yet to ascend to Zion/Jerusalem during the Endtimes, Israel enters into a conditional and temporary relationship with God until they keep the terms of God’s covenant/law and prove their loyalty by enduring a test of faith. When Israel keeps the terms of the covenant and law, and passes tests of loyalty, their covenants become unconditional and everlasting. “According to Isaiah, “Israel” represents those who have renewed the covenant but who haven’t yet ascended higher. …[Israel] can ascend to the next level [Zion/Jerusalem] by keeping God’s law and word.” – P.115 “No one is born a prince or savior all at once, but he attains that status step by step as he keeps the terms of God’s covenant.” – P.122 “By renewing the covenant and keeping its terms—by living God’s law …. God acknowledges us as Zion/Jerusalem when we merit the name.” – P.124 “God sets up tests of faith for his people…” - P. 123 “By suffering an inherited cursed condition while faithfully keeping the law of the covenant, God’s people pass their test of loyalty.” – P. 125 “Each time we complete a new cycle of descent before ascent, passing through the refiner’s fire, we peel off another layer, like a serpent shedding its skin or like a fruit whose outside hides its inner sweetness.” – P. 131,132 The Woman Zion: “When [Zion’s] covenant with Jehovah becomes unconditional (Isaiah 54:10), she flourishes in the earth: “You shall no more be called the forsaken one, nor your land referred to as desolate; you shall be known as her in whom I delight and your land considered espoused. . . . As the bridegroom rejoices over the bride, so shall your God rejoice over you” (Isaiah 62:4–5). Her holdings increase: “Expand the site of your tent; extend the canopies of your dwellings. Do not hold back; lengthen your cords and strengthen your stakes. For you shall spread abroad to the right and to the left; your offspring shall dispossess the nations and resettle the desolate cities” (Isaiah 54:2–3).”
**Unless a person is living God’s law any trial of faith won’t effectuate an ascent. Jacob/Israel Disappears Continuing with our progression through Jacob and Israel, what we see at the end of the world is that Jacob/Israel – Believers in a Creator-God disappears because they have been forced to ascend or descend before the ungodly are destroyed. “Like the two lowest categories, Jacob/Israel disappears at the end of the world.” – P. 110 “Just as signs and miracles accompanied Moses’ ministry to God’s people at the time of their exodus out of Egypt, so signs and miracles will accompany the servant’s ministry to the nations of the world. If, like Pharaoh, we reject these evidences and fight against God, we align ourselves with Babylon and come under condemnation. We will suffer the full measure of plagues or curses that befall the wicked in God’s Day of Judgment. All who violate the rights of God’s people inevitably invite their own ruin. At the end of the world, God destroys Babylon and delivers Zion/Jerusalem. Jacob/Israel ceases to exist;” - P. 110, 111
A Complete Physical Separation Many believers adhere to the concept of a pre-judgement(tribulation) “rapture”, which establishes the concept of a separation of the righteous and the wicked. These believers use Matthew 24: 36-41 as a basis for this pre-judgement rapture. “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.” What these believers seem to miss is that this separation is an Endtime exodus of Zion leaving Babylon. Overviews of the Prophecy of Isaiah, Gileadi “An End-Time Exodus out of Babylon to Zion: Of the thirty ancient events of which Isaiah predicts new, end-time versions, a new exodus—patterned after Israel’s ancient exodus out of Egypt—is similarly followed by a new wandering in the wilderness. The new exodus, however, is out of the whole world—out of “Babylon”—which God is about to destroy: “Go forth out of Babylon, flee from Chaldea! Make this announcement with resounding voice; broadcast it to the end of the earth. Say, ‘Jehovah has redeemed his servant Jacob.’ They thirsted not when he led them through arid places: he caused water to flow for them from the rock; he cleaved the rockand water gushed out” (Isaiah 48:20–21). As Lot was led out of Sodom, so are participants in the new exodus: “The righteous disappear, and no man gives it a thought; the godly are gathered out, but no one perceives that from impending calamity the righteous are withdrawn” (Isaiah 57:1). “Come out of her and be pure, you who bear Jehovah’s vessels. But you shall not leave in haste or go in flight: Jehovah will go before you, the God of Israel behind you” (Isaiah 52:11–12). “I will bring your offspring from the east and gather you from the west; I will say to the north, ‘Give up!’ to the south, ‘Withhold not! Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the end of the earth’” (Isaiah 43:5–6).” “John’s vision of “the Lord’s day” or “Day of the Lord” (Revelation 1:10) depicts the same events [- the Day of Jehovah]. Whereas Isaiah encodes his end-time vision in the historical events of his day, John encodes it in imagery. When you match up the characters, you see that both describe the same end-time scenario. The “great whore” that “corrupts the earth with her fornications” (Revelation 19:2) is the harlot Babylon who rules as “Mistress of Kingdoms” (Isaiah 47:5–8). The woman who flees into the wilderness for three and a half years (Revelation 12:6) is the Virgin Daughter of Zion who flees destruction in an exodus out of Babylon (Isaiah 52:1, 11–12).”
Summary Our summary table of this Jacob-Israel-Zion Endtime sequence includes a spiritual gathering when Jacob repents and returns and becomes Israel. Then we see a physical gathering during the Servant’s three years of warning, when Israel keeps God law and covenant and becomes Zion/Jerusalem, which includes Zion’s worldwide exodus out of Babylon. Followed by three years of Zion in the wilderness and the destruction of Babylon. So in general, our Endtime sequence looks like this -
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