![]() This week we’ll wrap-up our review of chapter 5 in Isaiah Decoded – Zion/Jerusalem, God’s Covenant People. Dr. Gileadi closes chapter 5 by linking Zion/Jerusalem with inheriting Paradise. We’ll look at Dr. Gileadi’s statements and expand his analysis by considering Israel’s Fall Holy Feasts/Sabbaths, Community Salvation, Community Leadership under Messiah, and Zion/Jerusalem’s destiny. Israel’s Feasts and Sabbaths Those who have been following my posts should see a sequence in Israel’s Feasts and Sabbaths of developing a relationship with God, the Son, Yehovah-Yeshua and then realizing that relationship. So, in general,
Israel’s Fall Feasts/Sabbaths and Community Salvation On the Zion/Jerusalem level, we don’t enter God’s (Yehovah) presence as individuals but as a community. This concept is portrayed on the Day of Atonement/Yom Kippur as the High Priest prepares Israel as a nation to enter God’s presence. This concept is further strengthened when we get to the Feast of Tabernacles/Sukkot as believers gather in community. Under the fullness of Messiah, being prepared to enter God’s presence comes to full maturity when we as individuals are Born Again and our covenants become unconditional and everlasting. These are concepts that we might want to consider as we observe Yom Kippur/Day of Atonement.
Community Leadership We can see from our observance of Yom Kippur/Day of Atonement that it is the High Priest’s responsibility to prepare Israel as a nation to enter God’s presence. We’ll begin looking at community leadership qualifications in chapter 6 – God’s Sons/Servants, Proxy Deliverers. Under the fullness of Messiah, we see two covenants operative for the national high priest (Seraphim/Angel) – Davidic Covenant/High Priests (perfection and proxy salvation) Enochic Covenant (sealing power – binding Zion with the presence of the Son (Yehovah-Yeshua))
Israel’s Fall Feasts/Sabbaths and the Destiny of Zion/Jerusalem Another concept that we see portrayed in Israel’s Fall Feasts and Sabbaths is the destiny of Zion/Jerusalem God’s covenant people. First, we have the Day of Trumpets, which we can link to announcing the return of Israel’s God and King – Yehovah-Yeshua. Then, on the Day of Atonement, the community of Zion prepares themselves to receive their God and King with the High Priest – this would be a good place to connect God’s Endtime Servant and other servants. Next, we have the Feasts of Tabernacles that we can link to Yehovah-Yeshua’s Millennial reign as the community of Zion/Jerusalem dwells in the presence of their God. And, finally, the Last Great Day – the day that never ends – when Zion/Jerusalem lives with their God forever!
Zion/Jerusalem Inherits Paradise in the Millennium One of the important doctrines that we see in the Garden of Eden narrative is the concept of Paradise lost and Paradise regained. Adam and Eve were warned that if they partook of the forbidden fruit the Earth would fall and death would come into the world. However, God would send a savior through the seed of woman who would bring man back into God’s presence and into Paradise – Genesis 3:15.
Moreover, Isaiah connects regaining Paradise in the Millennium with God’s covenant people, Zion/Jerusalem. Dr. Gileadi - "Isaiah predicts a new Paradise for God’s covenant people in the Millennium. God transforms the basic covenant blessing of a land of inheritance into a land that is glorious. The place where God’s people live—Zion or Jerusalem—becomes as the Garden of Eden: “Wilderness and arid lands will be jubilant; the desert will rejoice when it blossoms as the crocus.” God “will open up streams in barren hill country, springs in the midst of the plains; [he] will turn the desert into lakes, parched lands into fountains of water.” He will make Zion’s “wilderness like Eden, her desert as the garden of Jehovah.” “The glory of Jehovah and the splendor of our God they will see [there].” (Isaiah 35:1–2; 41:18; 51:3.)" - P. 162, 163 "The land will produce bountifully for its righteous inhabitants: “Then will he water with rain the seed you sow in the ground, that the land’s increase of food may be rich and abundant.” Enmity will pass away from the animal kingdom: “The wolf and the lamb will graze alike; and the lion will eat straw like the ox.” (Isaiah 30:23; 65:25.)" - P. 163 "To the degree God’s covenant people spread abroad, the earth turns into Paradise. God’s new creation of the earth at the beginning of the Millennium raises the earth to the spiritual level of his people (see Figure 69). The curses of the covenant disappear as only its blessings prevail. Where no one violates the terms of the covenant, no evil effects follow. Sickness and disease, famine and plagues, poverty and deprivation will be no more: “They will not build so that others may dwell, or plant so that others may eat. . . They will not exert themselves in vain, or bear children doomed for calamity… The troubles of the past will be forgotten.” (Isaiah 65:16, 22 23.) All the earth will be at peace." - P. 163 "Those who live into the Millennium will enjoy the privilege of daily interaction with God. Of that time, God says, “I will delight in Jerusalem, rejoice in my people; no more will be heard there the sound of weeping or the cry of distress. No more will there be infants alive but a few days, or the aged who do not live out their years… Before they call I will reply; while they are yet speaking I will respond.” “I will extend peace to her like a river, the bounty of the nations like a stream in flood. Then will you nurse and be carried upon the hip and dandled on the knees. As one who is comforted by his mother I will comfort you; for Jerusalem you will be comforted.” (Isaiah 65:19–20, 24; 66:12–13.)" - P. 163, 164 "Even death—a consequence of Adam’s and Eve’s transgression in the Garden of Eden— disappears. Death, which Isaiah calls “the veil that veils all peoples, the shroud that shrouds all nations,” God abolishes forever. He will “wipe away the tears from all faces” and “remove the reproach of his people from throughout the earth.” The righteous dead will come back to life “when their bodies arise.” God will say to them, “‘Awake, and sing for joy, you who abide in the dust: your dew is the dew of sunrise!’ For the earth will cast up its dead.” (Isaiah 25:8; 26:19.) When God reverses the curse of death—and all covenant curses—people will be known for who they are and will see as they are seen." - P. 164 Zion/Jerusalem Inherits the Realm of the Son in Eternity We saw in a previous post that the Apostle Paul taught that we become more like God as we ascend from glory to glory. We also see with Paul his teachings is the concept of three heavens. Here we can see that Zion/Jerusalem ascends to the glory of the Son – Yehovah-Yeshua, and will dwell in His presence forever in the Realm of the Son.
Side Bar: Faith Systems, Expanding Theology, and Dumbing Down the Gospel
One of the things that I am noticing about faith systems in their attempts to expand their theology are the different roads they take. Judaism has embraced rabbinic teachings and traditions to feel a greater connection with God. We can also see this happening with some messianic groups. Unable or unwilling to expand their theology in the Gospel of Messiah, they turn to rabbinism. The danger of turning to rabbinism is the possibility of rejecting Yeshua as humanity’s redeemer. Some groups may even turn back to evangelical Christianity. In my previous faith system, its attempt to feel a greater connection with God evolved into the teachings and traditions about “eternal families”. This view ignores Paul’s teachings that each one of us must work out our own salvation. I'm sure that Adam and Eve would have wanted Cain to be with them forever? So you may want to ask yourself – what road am I going down in my quest to be closer and to be more like God. Another problem I see with faith systems is the tendency to dumb down doctrines so that people don’t feel bad or feel excluded. As an honest believer, we must take an objective look at what God requires and is revealing to us.
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